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Re: congratulations devs!!!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:14 am
by Giagurious
installed the game last night and got started and i think i'm now on level 3 possibly. playing on hard/old school mode of course. I'm a veteran Dungeon Master player when i had that wonderful game on my Amiga 500 with 1MB upgrade around 1989.

playing this game is such a joy, i never thought i would see another game like this ever again. to see it in this day and age where gaming has often been reduced to 'Press A to win' is just amazing.

I'm at work right now, but i'm making full use of my work's printers to get some nice quality colour graph paper printed out. I'm going to start mapping tonight and I'm really excited.

Using the defaul characters just now and i've already died twice. 'Game Over'! You just don't see game over screens anymore do you? It is fantastic to actually play a game that is actually challenging right from the beginning - i'd recommend everyone play it on hard mode and for the authetic experience, use old school too.

I'll see you all in the dungeons!

Re: congratulations devs!!!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:47 am
by Brogar
Played a bunch today and it's everything I hoped for. Works great, looks great and a ton of fun. Thanks again and congratulations on making a truly great game!


Re: congratulations devs!!!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:08 pm
by Slynt
Hi all, first post here but been following development for a good while. Yesterday was the big day, and after much hassle (no Internet at home to download my GOG pre-order, downloading by 3G onto cel phone, moving installer to PC, find that DirectX files are missing, download onto phone and transfer to PC, update DirectX...and finally..). I was so eager for this game that I couldn't wait one day to get at my computer with broadband connection lol.

And then I sunk into the couch and fired it up, and I was automagically transported to Grimrock, and at the same time back to the temple of Darkmoon - Eye of the Beholder II: Legend of Darkmoon was the game that got me hooked on videogames (played it on an Amiga back then) as well as tabletop RPGs and fantasy in general. It has remained a favorite game for all these years, and I was also pretty convinced we'd never see games like this again.

Which makes Grimrock so terribly exciting, right? And you guys did a wonderful job, from the second I landed on the first floor it was all intuitive; the secret buttons on the walls, the levers, the traps, the rocks, it's like we're playing Eye of the Beholder IV minus the AD&D-trappings. Perfect. I wandered through level one and only when I reached the stairs to the second level did I realize that I had made a party of four fighters (somehow I didn't notice the three class buttons in creation :D ). So I started over again with a more balanced party (human warrior, minotaur warrior, human mage, human rogue). Redid the first level, almost finished the second.

And now I'm stuck at work, rather wanting to be in the dark and damp corridors of Grimrock.

Things I really love so far:
a) Torches burning down and needing to find new ones for light
b) Food meter!
c) The atmosphere
d) The music and ambient sounds
e) The whole retro-angle packaged with good graphics
f) Faithfulness to the genre classics

If I *had* to complain about anything re:Grimrock at this moment, it would be
a) I do really miss the options to play Dwarves, Elves and to a lesser extent Halflings. I just can't feel anything for "too-strange" races like the Insectoids; I just end up not playing them (I guess mostly out of an aestethical choice). I barely managed to add a minotaur to the party, and even that feels awkward. Yeah I'm strange like that.
b) I have a sneaking suspicion this game is like 200 hours too short :lol: I mean, those two first floors just FLEW by. Or I flew by them. Whatever.
c) This is probably insane to be bothered about, but my thief is auto-picking up his dagger and shuriken. :geek:
d) Perhaps the game is too easy with the resurrection stones? Are the stones available in Hard mode?

Finally, a couple of thoughts on the future:

a) I absolutely love that you guys are going to give us level editors and the likes, and mods for further adventures in the dark
b) I can only assume that you guys are raking in money now because Grimrock is getting rave reviews and there are MANY fans of this kind of game, which *could* lead to interesting situations - like, what if Almost Human were asked to develop a similar game set in WotC's Forgotten Realms? I sure wouldn't mind an Undermountain game from you guys, as an example. I also would not mind a Grimrock 2, 3 etc. ;)
c) Another suggestion/idea would be, now that you've proven your skills in re-doing Dungeon Master-type game, how about a game in the vein of Pools of Radiance?

Good luck with the upcoming additions and modifications,
GRIM ROCKS!!1OH Hell's Yeah.

~ another fanboy

Re: congratulations devs!!!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:12 pm
by broiler1985
Thank you for bringing me back to my childhood, where I loved those type of games.
Brilliant work you've done here!

Re: congratulations devs!!!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:16 pm
by Atticus
Congratulations from France!
LoG is awesome! But I was supposed to work this morning so this is mitigated congratulations.
I'm very glad that some devs in the world still create such games, respectful of the players.

Re: congratulations devs!!!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:01 pm
by marcuz99
I'm not enjoying a game this much since i was plumbing the Waterdeep sewage drains in 1991.

Re: congratulations devs!!!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:21 pm
by Ugm
I just wanted to say hi from Poland and congratulate you on doing great job! This game feels so oldschool! The riddles, dancing with monsters, this feeling of a genre, the secrets! I click on every wall just like in the old days :) I'm really enjoying the game and don't want to finish it too soon. Really, really great job!

One thing I'm missing is slightly more varied character progression. Or it's just that I didn't progress that far in a game yet. I mean throwing everything around to gain ninja levels is not the way, but still I think there should be some more depth in progression...

Re: congratulations devs!!!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:32 pm
by mirabel
lol, i just came looking for somewhere to post these exact sentiments. well done devs, brilliant work.

Re: congratulations devs!!!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:37 pm
by Tolbiac
Just wanted to say thanks for the game. Trully awesome. 8-)