Sorry old chaps, but my horseless carriage had an emergent fit and I could not procure a reliable craftsman near my estate in short order. Bah. Wife has me watching Downton Abbey. I had sudden car troubles and had to go out of town to get it fixed.Diarmuid wrote:No difference really, apart the direction from which you room can be entered, which you can take into account when planning the layout of your room. For example room 12 is entered from the western wall (left). There also a consideration of where in the dungeon the room is, for things like balancing monsters for example - players will have more exp at room 12 than room 3. I don't know how this was adjusted and balanced the first time around, so maybe spiderfighter can give some clues here (I just thought now about that aspect of things).
Honestly Diarmuid, we just kind of took care of balancing as we went along. As I wasn't part of the actual testing of the finished version, I'm not sure if there was any final tweaking done (perhaps JW or Skuggas can shed some light).
Thanks for taking care of our new guests in my stead - erm...absence. I'll add you guys to the list, and say welcome aboard!