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Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Download Beholder)
Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 3:11 pm
by odinsballs
just wanted to know what's the development status on the ghoul?.
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Ghoul - Beta)
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:29 am
by Leki
Well. Holidays was great, but short. Sorry for radio silence. I spent whole time with my family, no computers, no work etc
So - what's new?
Before holidays I prepared human guardian - please check the first post for more info.
Human Bowman is almost done - I will finish him soon.
Ghoul is beta. Xenathar finished AI script. I had an idea and he was crazy enough to try to bring it to live. And it works! Our sweet Slugomorg boosted with this script kicked ass in testing scene!
Hope ghoul will past all tests too and Xenathar will describe method in this thread - I work on specification to extend this method and I hope in the next days it will give to us very interesting design possibilities and surprising fighting challenges.
Ghoul is officially first monster using AI switching behaviour but in the future you can use this method for any monster.
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Download Beholder)
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:42 am
by Leki
thomson wrote:Leki, can I ask for a skeleton wielding axe, without shield? This is something needed for EOB1 mod. I think it shouldn't take too much time. You already mastered changing weapon/shieds.
Here's a list to the original skeleton from EOB1: (3rd from the top).
Oh, and let me say that this is an impressive work you're doing here.
Well, I can do it I guess. It can be managed with new weapon in hand and new attack animation (and updating all skeleton warrior animations, because left hand must be without shield). The question is if I can solve vanishing problem...
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Ghoul - Beta)
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:09 am
by Leki
Skeleton Warrior: Axe (WIP)
Hmm... It took more time that I expected. Spine node is not linked to hip and I had to animate torso frame by frame
But attack works now, so I will try to update rest of animations tomorow... I am curious If I can solve ingame vanishing problem.
Can anyone make rusty great axe texture for this model (and paste here item script etc), please? I can do it, but it will take some time which I can to spend on animations
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Ghoul - Beta)
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:04 am
by odinsballs
first up good that you had a well deserved vacation, hope you had a good time,(and looking at latest dev stat update yer "fully re-loaded" good to have ya back
i've been tinkering aboot with nifscope /niftools and noticed that i can more or less pull out stuff of oblivion and such (goblins and whatnot) with most skeleton and weight /skinning intact (more or less) would this format be helpfull (basically semi -full prepped static) for making standard custom anim sets of models (converted fully to dae then scaled in blender or such and finally assimp imported into toolkit with textures and nodes and skeleton ,etc intact) i stil ( and probably never wil get animation right). i am however trying to increase level of prepwork on possible future models (static bit but this time around with most of the works intact)
but anyhoo looking forward to that ghoul (friggin sweet)

Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Ghoul - Beta)
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:17 am
by odinsballs
Leki wrote:Skeleton Warrior: Axe (WIP)
Hmm... It took more time that I expected. Spine node is not linked to hip and I had to animate torso frame by frame
But attack works now, so I will try to update rest of animations tomorow... I am curious If I can solve ingame vanishing problem.
Can anyone make rusty great axe texture for this model (and paste here item script etc), please? I can do it, but it will take some time which I can to spend on animations
i dunno about that axe but i can rip out a pre fab arsenal of various weapontypes (textured and all) simply with their according textures and mesh intact as grimrock model format (with upgraded normals and such though) as weapon model arsenal for rearming various species that might come along on the way (weapon models stil will have to be attached to model obviously

) but if ya need anything like that gimme a pm about what you need and i get buisy. i just want to contribute my bit to the project so to speak
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Ghoul - Beta)
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:39 am
by Asteroth
Since I already made a rusty version of pretty much every weapon. Here you go:
I added it as it's own file for your convenience. Hope you like it.
Edit: Oops, while I included them in the file, since you said paste scripts here:
Code: Select all
name = "corrupt_great_axe",
baseObject = "great_axe",
uiName = "Corrupt Great Axe",
model = "mod_assets/models/weapons/corrupt_great_axe.fbx",
name = "corrupt_great_axe",
diffuseMap = "mod_assets/textures/weapons/corrupt_great_axe_dif.tga",
specularMap = "mod_assets/textures/weapons/corrupt_great_axe_spec.tga",
doubleSided = false,
lighting = true,
alphaTest = false,
blendMode = "Opaque",
textureAddressMode = "Wrap",
glossiness = 35,
depthBias = 0,
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Ghoul - Beta)
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:42 am
by Drakkan
the ghoul animation looks pretty fantastic ! cannot wait fo it

Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Ghoul - Beta)
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:18 am
by Xanathar
Xenathar finished AI script.
An update on this: I'm working on making it LoG framework compatible (as much as I can) and on giving a couple of more customization options (if I can)
New version should be ready soon.
Re: [SOURCE] MONSTERS by Leki (Ghoul - Beta)
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:53 pm
by Leki