Xeen's cronicles

Are you looking for fun Custom Dungeons that you could play or do you want to share your mod with others? Then this forum is for you!
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Re: Xeen's cronicles

Post by Pompidom »

Playing these mods require the exact same specifications as the default campaign.
If your computer can't handle them, then it's clear that your computer does not meet the recommended requirements or simply throttling down from overheating. And then we're basically talking about 12 year old hardware. So maybe it's just time to get some new hardware.

Now the most important setting here is: rendering quality.
Always High or you simply won't see important stuff as it will simply not render.

Start by lowering all the other options first:
Texture resolution
Texture filtering
Shadow quality
SSAO quality

Put them on medium. If it's still unplayable, just get a new computer. Seriously. Because then we're clearly in the <1 TF processing ballpark from 15 years ago.
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Re: Xeen's cronicles

Post by gylippos »

Thanks for those hints. The game isn't unplayable on low texture, it just needs to be on this to run smoothly. My comment was really to say that Badgert had put so much detail into his backgrounds that a lot of useful stuff is hidden unless you lose that detail. It is not nearly as pretty playing with the texture set low, but you see a lot more stuff and the progression is smooth. My computer is not that old.
Are there any hints on where i should look for the keys I don't have?
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Re: Xeen's cronicles

Post by Badgert »

I am not a programmer and do not know how to make tricky and complex puzzles. Therefore, I tried to create a simply beautiful world, as detailed and interesting as possible for research ...
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Re: Xeen's cronicles

Post by gylippos »

I didn't mean to offend, Badgert, just make an observation. Anyone who has the willingness and ability to make any mod, let alone one as wide ranging and aesthetically pleasing as yours has my admiration. I certainly couldn't do it.
Where do I look for those keys? The map of the new castle ground floor looks complete, so I really don't know where to go .
There are a number of other things i didn't get, like the door to the crossroads teleport in the cave of illusions, but I judged them as not important. I'm content to leave this (unless it does matter)
I am genuinely mystified by the statues though. Assuming that it is where their gazes cross that I am meant to look, what kind of action can be performed there. I thought I had tried everything. Since, as you say, this doesn't matter, I've let it go.
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Re: Xeen's cronicles

Post by Badgert »

Find 5 meteorites in the Tomb of 1000 Horror and take them to the Royal Stargazer.
The key to Newcastle's second floor in the Elemental Dungeon.
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Re: Xeen's cronicles

Post by gylippos »

Well her I am again. In the tomb of a thousand horrors, I have completed ( I think) the side with 3 meteorites, but can't open the door to the other side. I've tried all sorts of things with the levers , buttons, altars and alcoves on the side with the dark room to no avail. I think that there is no more to the dark room than the 4 plates.
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Re: Xeen's cronicles

Post by Badgert »

After defeating the dungeon boss, return to the entrance. A secret passage will open near the portal.
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Re: Xeen's cronicles

Post by gylippos »

Yes i did that. I have proceeded to the wooden door at the end of the passage of axes and it is this that I cannot open.
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Re: Xeen's cronicles

Post by Badgert »

In the corridor between the three axes on the wall is a secret button.
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Re: Xeen's cronicles

Post by gylippos »

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