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Re: Welcome!

Post by ZedClark »

Thanks for the warm welcome, guys! Sorry about that, I always was an introvert, heck, even in introductions. Anyway, me and my brother has always been a fan of 3D first-person dungeon games. I guess, even horror games, and that's why a game like Grimrock would appeal to us more than what those kids are playing nowadays *cough*mindless shooters*cough*battle royale*cough* Here's to hoping that Almost Human would continue to make more sequels of this game in the future.
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Sir Tawmis
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Re: Welcome!

Post by Sir Tawmis »

ZedClark wrote: Thanks for the warm welcome, guys! Sorry about that, I always was an introvert, heck, even in introductions.
First, nothing to apologize for. The forum has been victimized by spambots.
So we just take some extra steps to ensure people are... well, really people. (This is why every time there's a batch of new users, I will PM them if they don't post on the forum for awhile, and ask them to at least come to this thread and make a "hello" type post - or "Why I like Grimrock" - just something to show it's a legitimate person... or if them PM me back and I can have a quick back and forth and verify they're human, that's all I need too). :)

As for being an introvert, rest assured, I know that feeling all too well. (Forums are, ironically, where I come out of my shell). You can be whoever you want to be on a forum (well, other than an @$$h0le or a Spambat) :lol:
ZedClark wrote: Anyway, me and my brother has always been a fan of 3D first-person dungeon games. I guess, even horror games, and that's why a game like Grimrock would appeal to us more than what those kids are playing nowadays *cough*mindless shooters*cough*battle royale*cough* Here's to hoping that Almost Human would continue to make more sequels of this game in the future.
Here's some fun stuff - Petri, from Almost Human made Demons of Dex which is a rogue like game. He's also making a game with others called Druidstone. So I suspect, with Druidstone in the works, the idea of a LOGIII is long in the future, if at all.
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
Also read: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance here on the forum! Check out the site I made for Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.
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Zo Kath Ra
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Re: Welcome!

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

Jama wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:41 am Hi all...I'm new here..
My name is Steven.
Are you a spammer?
Please convince me that you're not.
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Zo Kath Ra
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Re: Welcome!

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

Jama wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2019 8:41 am Hi all...I'm new here..
My name is Steven.
(spam link removed)
Last edited by Jama on Thu Apr 11, 2019 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Took you long enough.
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Re: Welcome!

Post by Komag »

Haha! You have nose for them!
Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play
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