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Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Neikun
Good to see this is getting on a roll again, too!

Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:50 am
by msyblade
u give me an email, and ill send u my level :) It's no monsters (to fight), no equipment (to balance), no custom assets (to add), and no keys leftover, with entrance and exit teleporters placed, so u should be able to plug this level into whatever "hole" you find in the entries. whether its level 2 or level 8, u might take a quick jaunt through it (20-30 minutes) to get an idea of the concept. Basically a "Test" For the other dungeon "Gods" involved in this. ("We must be sure you are the one.") exp awards for puzzles totaling 1500 exp, with the two secrets.
I'm really glad you are putting yourself out to make this happen, it is simply good for the community; And this community deserves good. So not only do I volunteer my efforts to help you troubleshoot, I know 15 or 20 other guys around here that will drop what they're doing if u run into trouble. Thanx again HaunterV :) (Btw, you're part of one of the puzzles, old school lore creators thread, remember?) There are 8 "founders" involved, and u happen to be one! tried to keep them to the CFD contributers for obvious reasons. Hollar back and tell us where to send em, and keep us up to date with ANY problems you may run into.

Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:35 pm
by Sutekh
I finally finished updating my level and sent it to HaunterV. 8-)



Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:33 pm
by HaunterV
Got it Guys. I'll grab all the files in a bit then I'll post up the monster we have birthed.

Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:30 am
by Numberouane
Im so impatient to play ur mod!

Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:25 am
by HaunterV
sewing it up now.

Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:40 pm
by SpiderFighter
I didn't realize this was still going on; I just assumed it had been sewn back up over a month ago. How is it coming, Haunter? Are you still able to take my level? I sent a couple of questions about it to Eds a couple of months ago, but never heard back (now I understand why).

Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:58 am
by aaneton
I this still on-going? I'm planning on submitting a mini-dungeon aswell, I have a mini dungeon that isI actually have something that is almost already completed, however due to tight personal travel plans, I probably will send it in few weeks from now. it is a small approx. 6-7 level dungeon (there will be still a lot of room on both floors as it dosen't take much space on either floor).

Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:32 am
by Asteroth
aaneton wrote:I this still on-going? I'm planning on submitting a mini-dungeon aswell, I have a mini dungeon that isI actually have something that is almost already completed, however due to tight personal travel plans, I probably will send it in few weeks from now. it is a small approx. 6-7 level dungeon (there will be still a lot of room on both floors as it dosen't take much space on either floor).
This was already being prepped for release I'm afraid. HaunterV seems to not be capable of checking in too often however.

Re: [OPEN] Community FrankenDungeon! - Submit your mini-dung

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:33 pm
by aaneton
Asteroth wrote:
aaneton wrote:I this still on-going? I'm planning on submitting a mini-dungeon aswell, I have a mini dungeon that isI actually have something that is almost already completed, however due to tight personal travel plans, I probably will send it in few weeks from now. it is a small approx. 6-7 level dungeon (there will be still a lot of room on both floors as it dosen't take much space on either floor).
This was already being prepped for release I'm afraid. HaunterV seems to not be capable of checking in too often however.
Ok, some other one roomer then ;)