I never said that dungeon is bad. I consider it as pretty good, but it could be much better (more customizable). Implementation of random puzzles could be hard (if possible), but you could have more possibilities to randomize a dungeon by yourself.Oozie wrote:I like this randomized dungeon
Yes it's mainly battle orientated rather than puzzly , but it's hard to create random puzzles, and the creator has done a good job at trying to include a few. I think.
Of course they're random, but I haven't found single iron key on lvl 2 and lvl 3 and while there was around 5 closed chests and one closed room on each lvlOozie wrote:Keys and food and many things are random. You may find not enough or too many, that's the fun of random! - like life really!

Every player could have an opportunity to choose whether he wants to play with or without some specific dungeon parameters (like fake walls, hidden switches, ). While playing other dungeons I always check every wall etc. looking for hidden switches so it's nothing new for meOozie wrote:I don't think there are hidden switches or invisible or fake walls, if there were u would have to progress very slowly checking everywhere in case a wall was false etc.

Yeah, it's good solution, but there's also space for an improvement (for instance- two skull keys needed-> two bosses guarding keys, different keys needed to progress).Oozie wrote:There are boss mobs, a variety of them, guarding key to next level.
Like I've said dungeon is pretty good, but could be better. It's only a suggestion for mod owner, nothing personal.Oozie wrote:Really I am very impressed with this dungeon, it's giving me a lot of fun tx!
Previously mentioned Dungeon Hack (http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/28552 ... +hack.html) is the best example of debated idea.