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Re: custom portaits in my mod
Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 7:42 pm
by gambit37
BTW, a quick tip: you don't need to quote someone's post if your replying directly right after them. Use the "Post Reply" button - it saves a lot of wasted space

Re: custom portaits in my mod
Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 11:00 pm
by Azel
petri wrote:Azel wrote:the Grimrock Editor is to the Unreal/Unity engines as Notepad is to Notepad++

What you of course mean is that the Dungeon Editor is a much more powerful and easier to use tool for creating dungeon levels than Unreal or Unity, right?

lol yes!
In all honesty, my favorite aspect of the Grimrock Dungeon Editor is that it allows aspiring game designers to focus more on whats important: creative game design.
All of the problems people have run in to (minimal save state, custom assets without occluder's, etc) is due to the fact that the Dungeon Editor very quickly empowers anyone to start modeling a fantasy world immediately. In a nutshell: the moment a Modder places the forest heightmap, sky, and water surface objects on a map... the brain instantly spirals in to, "oh shit, I now have the power to re-create Everquest." Some of us get so excited that we abandon Quality Control in favor of fantasy realm modeling. I think that's a fine compliment.
Plus, I love that the Dungeon.INI is Notepad friendly

Re: custom portaits in my mod
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 5:51 am
by FeMaiden
lol that's what happened to me when I made this mod...I was like "oh shit, now I have the power to remake Friday the 13th NES game , and do it right".
perhaps I failed in that, I don't know. I did what I did, and I felt it would be wrong not to share what I did after spamming you guys for weeks to help me do it.
and after hyping it and spoiling it...(unintentionally) I didn't know how to ask for advice on scripting without talking about what i was doing or spoiling my mod.
Re: custom portaits in my mod
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 6:58 pm
by Azel
Well I re-created all 6 ages of realMyst, and that's only because I wanted to release something in a year. If deadline weren't a concern, I might have tried to re-create Everquest lol

Re: custom portaits in my mod
Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:10 pm
by FeMaiden
wow, it took a year?, considering it took me almost a month to create 18 megs of content(although I probably could have done that much quicker if I didn't spend half the time trying to learn the editor), I believe you. I downloaded your myst mod, gonna try it soon. 172 megs, I guess you can't share it on steam lol. I got it from your Nexus link.
Re: custom portaits in my mod
Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 12:45 am
by Isaac
We spent over a year doing the ORRR2 mod for Grimrock (1).
Nine accessible floors, and approximately seventy-five major locations.
Re: custom portaits in my mod
Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:18 am
by FeMaiden
i'm playing ORRR2 now, gonna try and play through some of you guy's mods now to get an idea of what I ought to do for my next mod.
Re: custom portaits in my mod
Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:36 am
by Isaac
FeMaiden wrote:i'm playing ORRR2 now, gonna try and play through some of you guy's mods now to get an idea of what I ought to do for my next mod.
I hope you are enjoying it; we certainly enjoyed making it.
*There exists two really good let's plays on Youtube of it (that I know of); Komag's and Minmay's
(Though I'm not suggesting that you watch either of them just yet; they are highly spoilerific.)
**After you are done, there is the available source project and script code to look through. It won't work as-is in LoG2, but it shows how everything was done. There were some really good scriptors on that project (myself not included; as I was barely capable of reading that stuff at the time; and perhaps still am ~for some of it.)
Re: custom portaits in my mod
Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:44 am
by minmay
My Grimrock videos don't really have interesting LP elements, they're just intended as walkthroughs for people stuck on puzzles.