Xeen's cronicles
Re: Xeen's cronicles
hello again badgert. I thought that i had the key to the roof of the witch tower, but I don't. Could you tell me where I should look for it?
Re: Xeen's cronicles
The key to the roof of the Witches Tower in the Cave of Illusions.
Re: Xeen's cronicles
Thanks. I'll go back there and search. On one of your side puzzles, In the castle of high magic, I don't have the item to get the last magic book on the maze floor. (lose time searching for treasure without me). I expect it is in the SE corner of the maze below, but can't get there. I have investigated all of the nooks in the walls, and can't see any buttons. None of the teleports that I have found take me there. I am thinking that it is a map.
Re: Xeen's cronicles
All items for the mysteries of the Tower of High Magic are on the ground floor.
Re: Xeen's cronicles
Thanks badgert for a very enjoyable mod. I didn't get to the end. I have the key to the dragon's asylum but can't get across the lava lake what appears to be the entrance. The rock throwing hint was not enough - I couldn't find a centre to be the thowing point. I was hoping to make it so that I could go on to volume 2, but after 80 odd hours, i have no more ideas. Thanks again for a great mod.
Re: Xeen's cronicles
Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you liked the mod!
Re: Xeen's cronicles
Ok Current situation;
1- cleared many areas, have 12 power gems, have dragon asylum key but cant access it,
2- my mod is started with fresh party , on hard, cant clear 2 phoenix in volcano cave, they are not dying?
3- ?n golems snow, i cant open winterhut ,
Pls respond as i cant continue
1- cleared many areas, have 12 power gems, have dragon asylum key but cant access it,
2- my mod is started with fresh party , on hard, cant clear 2 phoenix in volcano cave, they are not dying?
3- ?n golems snow, i cant open winterhut ,
Pls respond as i cant continue

Re: Xeen's cronicles
In northen sands in the NE corner there is a secret button behind the bush.
Dragon Asylum Accessible from Nothern Hell-fire.
2 phoenix in volcano cave - are immortal, they say this to you at the entrance.
In golems snow find the note near the corpse - "Oh, why am I always so unlucky!..." - and read it carefully.
Power gems are needed to create Elemental Essences in the Forge of Elements.
Dragon Asylum Accessible from Nothern Hell-fire.
2 phoenix in volcano cave - are immortal, they say this to you at the entrance.
In golems snow find the note near the corpse - "Oh, why am I always so unlucky!..." - and read it carefully.
Power gems are needed to create Elemental Essences in the Forge of Elements.
Re: Xeen's cronicles
I came back to this after the revelation you gave in Volume 2 about the stakes, to see if this helped here too. I found a few small things but see that I have to access the Northern Flame, which has both entrances blocked by rubble. Is there a way to clear these, or is there another way in? The notes seem to say that it is accessible.
Re: Xeen's cronicles
The territory of Northern Fires is available only in the second part of the mod.