I second the mini-map option, as I enjoy having navigational aids.
Might as well add my list of suggestions here as well.
Essentially a bag with unlimited capacity, that automatically has keys added to it. Right-clicking on a lock would open the keyring and hi-light the appropriate key, unless using the appropriate key is part of a puzzle.
Runestone Tooltips
Just as it said on the tin. Have each runestone to have a tooltip containing the name of that stone would be nice, so the player can memorize them more easily.
An journal section that automatically has known spells added, with notes about what they do and what runes are required. Known spells are the ones obtained via experimentation, reading a scroll with an valid combination, or by investing skill points into a skill and receiving a spell from that.
When scrolls describing recipes or other information is acquired, they should be consumed and added into their own section in the journal. In addition to this, the player being able to create their own notes for the journal would be nice. This would help with reducing clutter, and keep the player from losing notes and whatnot.
Each character should have a small toolbelt for on-the-fly usage of items. Maybe these items could be located next to each character portrait. I am thinking that three for each person would be about right. (potions, bombs, shurikens, ect.) Each character has their own toolbelt, so that used items would be applied with the user's stats, or be consumed by that person.
Right-clicking on the compass in the inventory should make it appear on the main screen as the player travels, similar to a mini-map. Alternatively, it should be possible to put into the toolbelt, as per the suggestion above.
Alchemy Simplfiied
When the Morter & Pestle is opened, it should have two windows, one that shows the collective ingredients of the party, along with the number of empty flasks. The other window is where the player puts ingredients and flasks for mixing. This should make alchemy less of a chore, as the player won't have to dig through and organize the inventory of their characters.
Book of Beasts
An journal that basically contains a picture of an monster (the 3D model of one, to save on costs), along with a description of stats and behavior, optionally. This is primarily for future modules and user mods.
Next update wish list
Re: Next update wish list
It's important if they are going ot release a map editor that it supports illusionary walls even though the game has none.. otherwise, how can we remake our classic crawlers 

Re: Next update wish list
and editor / creation kit / tools whatever
and editor / creation kit / tools whatever
Re: Next update wish list
Agreed, I'd like to see an option to turn it off, it confuses and disorients me sometimes.Saetia wrote:I'm not a huge fan of the head bobbing thing when you move. Land of lore did that too I think and it had an option to turn it off. I would appreciate that. It gives me a stomach ache ).
Quicksave would be awesome indeed, some puzzles get boring quickly and I often forget to save because it takes too much.
I think they should stick with gameplay tweaks for the first patch.
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:44 pm
Re: Next update wish list
Your resident thrower ought to be able to grab extra ammunition from inventory when a hand gets emptied. (For instance, when you run out of throwing knives, you 'reload' with the rocks you've collected.)
In DM and EoB, this was handled by each character having a 'quiver' for their off-hand. You could give your front-line types a throwing knife or two, with their shield at the end of the line. These could also be used for extra inventory for someone who was dual-wielding or just kept a shield on all the time.
In DM and EoB, this was handled by each character having a 'quiver' for their off-hand. You could give your front-line types a throwing knife or two, with their shield at the end of the line. These could also be used for extra inventory for someone who was dual-wielding or just kept a shield on all the time.