Attempting to use the Chaos staff crashes the game (v.1.3.1) with the following error message:
Code: Select all
#chaos_wall_script:20: attempt to call global 'isWall' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
#chaos_wall_script:20: in function <#chaos_wall_script:2>
[string "ScriptEntity.lua"]: in function 'onMessageReceived'
[string "MessageSystem.lua"]: in function 'sendMessageToEntity'
[string "MessageSystem.lua"]: in function 'broadcastMessage'
[string "TriggerEvents.lua"]: in function 'fire'
[string "Timer.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Map.lua"]: in function 'updateEntities'
[string "Dungeon.lua"]: in function 'updateLevels'
[string "GameMode.lua"]: in function 'update'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'display'
[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk
isWall() was introduced in version 1.3.6, so older versions won't work. Might be worth mentioning that your mod requires version 1.3.6. However, I don't understand why isWall() is used at all - would something break if you let the staff cast Chaos walls inside walls? They're just temporary blockers with teleporter particle/sound effects, right?
Anyways, some feedback: After
20 hours and 47k tiles moved (including lots of window shopping and wall hugging), I must say that
the sheer amount of content is very impressive! On the other hand, the lack of story / any meaning to the areas/puzzles makes whole the dungeon a lot less memorable.
The puzzles were good, much variation and enough clarity/hints to make sure the player won't get stuck because he can't figure out what the mapmaker intended.
Never got stuck, often got lost - just like you said! Should've made more map markings in such a huge dungeon rather than relying on memory alone...
On balance -
I played on normal, started with a new party and ended up with a ridiculously powerful lvl17 party, thanks to the massive amount of tomes I found.
Overall, the dungeon felt easy, probably because all the food you get really lets you comb every corner of the dungeon in search of secrets. Indeed I did find many secret areas with tomes, great gear and of course coins to buy even more gear! I must say I liked this aspect, it rewards effort put into exploration and I don't like being restricted by a tightly limited food budget.

I don't see why you didn't list the secret areas as secrets, though.
Back in one of the lower levels, I thought you went crazy with the potion reagent drops, but turns out they were indeed useful in the huge level 1 battle. That was
mostly a fun fight! Dancing around all those different mobs while mixing more potions, trying to get your arrows back, juggling the Weapon of Power back and forth while ranged characters are out of arrows/mana... but the lone Wardens were just tedious grinding.
I really liked the idea of refillable waterskins, but I ended up never having to use them
due to food being overabundant! I had a sack full of copper coins I could've used to buy more food and 4-5 sacks worth of Ice Lizard Steaks. (Yes, I did kill everything on level 9, it was fun!

Had to lure other lizards to shoot at the lightning lizards and then proceed to kill the rest by juggling Weapon of Power within the party after running out of arrows & mana.)
I don't know if this was intended, but
Thunder Bow + Bracelet of Tirin + Missile Weapons >= 32 gives you an attack speed so high you
can keep most mobs stunlocked with only one character! Who needs Frost Bombs when you have an archer with a gatling gun?
This is more related to the engine than your work, but
there were some FPS issues that could be fixed - so many light sources you can't turn off! I had to lower shadow quality at some points to maintain 30 FPS - normally I can play with everything maxed @ vsync FPS. The fireball room in NE level 4 was particularly nasty, I couldn't find a way to turn it off. Shadow quality doesn't affect lights cast by projectiles and apparently Grimrock's occlusion culling doesn't work on those, either - meaning they will cause undue lag even in nearby corridors. Level 11 maze was another problem for occlusion culling due to the trick you used to allow ghosts pass through the "walls". Rendering all those high detail skull walls is bit of a burden on old hardware.
And some minor bugs I encountered: Emitters with wrong facing: level 6 water fountain, level 7 mine smoker/volcano, another water fountain somewhere (sorry, forgot where!) Level 3 & 11 mazes have no walls on map and secret passages behind "illusionary walls" are revealed on your map (probably impossible to fix.) Boss fight music continues to play during credits. Chaos staff room's "walls" are map-visible doors.