Officially: thanks for the report, I really appreciate that. I wasn't aware of that first freeze while loading the mod, I have no clue, but will look into it.
The game couldn't process that, so it just gave up.
On that note, resting didn't seem to do much. I suspect you need to camp to get a proper night's rest, but you have no idea how to do anything when you go in blind, so the rate at which sleep deprivation and exhaustion rise feels pretty intense.
Sleep deprivation mainly comes from the passage of time. it increases at night, and if you are exhausted when the check is done, when you move, and if I recon well, when you attack...
Sleep deprivation is supposed to reduce skill checks success. that's all for now. I will probably add an energy deprivation feature in the future...
Exhaustion is mostly tied to athletism and scouting. The better you are, the less exhausted you will be when moving around. You will also be exhausted when swinging weapon, or being hit. I understand this can be frustrating, especially as it probably makes fighting a much more static affair (combat dance very hard, at least if you are not fit ^^ ). However, this should really be easier as the two skills get better.
That's probably not "really" what's happening, but that resting stuff always gave trouble. The game is obviously not supposed to freeze, and hasn't the last few times I tested it. I agree this might require some tweaking however.
Moreover, resting is not tied to any skill yet, I would like to indeed add some resting places that would be better than others (like an "inn" you could pay for, for a proper time of rest.), and add a "camping" skill. So resting do requires some more love.
Food consumption is a "money" I use to give more weight to some actions, that are supposed to be exhausting, or to "simulate" the passage of time for some actions. So indeed, player will need much more food than in native.
Like, alright, if this is supposed to be a hardcore survival experience that takes no prisoners and is not so much about doing well but rather about trying to do a little better than last time every time you try, that's fair game.
Not really what I have in mind. More looking forward offering an open world feeling, full of things to do, beside puzzle solving. I don't really want to make it hard, but "deep", as far as world interactions are concerned.
While you haven't even looked at a fraction of all the new mechanics presented here, you already have to manage the penalties that come with these two.
I think I understand the frustration, but Rigale is definitely NOT a DC, puzzle solver. These factors are indeed important.
If you need to hear something positive to keep up your spirits, I can only reiterate the obvious. This is by far the most ambitious Grimrock 2 mod out there right now in terms of scripting your way through a variety of new stuff in an attempt to change the game's very genre. That's an immense undertaking, and I respect you for that. I never gave up on this mod either, by the way. It's just something I would rather keep in mind for later and come back once in a while to see how it's doing.
Really heartwarming, thank you so much. I can tell you it really feeds me some good, positive energy to keep me going, because this desert is hot, quite lonely, and so far really unforgiving. Hopefully you will meet some great changes when you try it again, in a stable environment.
For the time being though, I'll keep myself busy with more traditional mods before I sit down and give this truckload of content an honest shot.
Totally fair, I fully understand that people are not interested in being some kinds of guinea pigs. There are plenty of great mods around to try
Time constraints, etc. So hold your head high, mate, and try not to let your own mod frustrate you too much. That will only be reflected in the end result. Maybe another generous break will do you good~
Yes, maybe I should take a break, but there are things I would like to settle first, so I can work on new features after a possible break on a strong system (and I am only setting up the features and systems now, I will add the story later.)
Again, thank you so very much for your kind words, having some people acnowledge the hard work and head banging that goes into modding feels incredibly good for some of us.
And I will try to write a manual so people know what are the possibilities, and what goes on under the hood (although from experience, ppl hardly ever read those things ^^)
Now back to modding
