Which resolution for custom loading screen?

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Which resolution for custom loading screen?

Post by Hermundure »

Hi all,

the title says it all, for creating a custom loading screen, what would be the preferred resolution for this game?

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Re: Which resolution for custom loading screen?

Post by Isaac »

Depends on the size of the rest of your mod. 1920x1080 is 10½ MB by itself.

1280x960 seems okay to me; but it also depends on the actual artwork. If your image is not complex, the game might do a decent upscaling of it from a fairly low res original. As an absolute minimum though, it should be at least: 1024x768

*A trick for lower [final] size, is to reduce the actual image colors themselves (with a pattern dither). The high-color image itself is uncompressed, but the image data will compress better in the DAT file when packaged.
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