magic system...hmm a bit sad =/
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:38 am
First of all I love the rune system. I don't want a "click me" spell list which would automatically cast whatever.
No, here I'm complaining about the learning way. Being "used" of DM system, I was so much loving the fact that :
- you could discover new spells by your own (I'll explain later)
- there was NO prerequisite but your own magic level (independent, and growing with your magic practice, not mob killing)
Btw I'm just beginning the game, so maybe I don't have a fine sight of what's really happening in LoG. If so, just forget my post (but say me, I'll be happy).
Being at dungeon 3rd lvl, all the spells I try to find just either :
- Fizzle (tried and slept and tried and etc. again) for spells with 1 rune only
- it says me I don't have the capacities to cast it (ok why not)
As I love magic and I want to discover them all, I putted points in every school so I could "unlock"(?) all spells, if that's the way it's working. But It's a bit a pain to have to spend points in a school to get to a certain "line" and unlock one "spell ???". Btw is this "Spell ???" a free spot for any new spell from this school I may find ? Or is it a defined spell that can't be replaced by any other ?
Actually the only 2 spell I can cast is the one I discovered BECAUSE I putted X points in fire school (the first one), and the first one from earth school. So it seems you can't just try to find new spells once you completed the "Spell ???" you had in your "magic tree".
See I'm actually a bit confuse with the magic system.
- I don't know if my number of castable spell is define by the number of spells I unlocked in my differents schools,
- I don't know if I really have to learn each school to be able to cast spells from this school or not,
- what about multischool spells ? Should I have points in fire earth ice to cast some 3+ rune based spell with those fire earth ice runes ?
Another question (damn me), what does exactly "Your spell fizzles" means ?
- this is a working combination but your level into spellcasting is too low
- this is a working combination but your level into this spell school is too low
- this is not a working combination
If you have some answer, just please don't spoil it. If the answer is a spoil itself, then just tag it as spoiler or just say me to calm down and that it will happen anytime soon to be like DM magic system
Sorry for the long post.
No, here I'm complaining about the learning way. Being "used" of DM system, I was so much loving the fact that :
- you could discover new spells by your own (I'll explain later)
- there was NO prerequisite but your own magic level (independent, and growing with your magic practice, not mob killing)
Btw I'm just beginning the game, so maybe I don't have a fine sight of what's really happening in LoG. If so, just forget my post (but say me, I'll be happy).
Being at dungeon 3rd lvl
(team lvl 4 I think)
- Fizzle (tried and slept and tried and etc. again) for spells with 1 rune only
- it says me I don't have the capacities to cast it (ok why not)
As I love magic and I want to discover them all, I putted points in every school so I could "unlock"(?) all spells, if that's the way it's working. But It's a bit a pain to have to spend points in a school to get to a certain "line" and unlock one "spell ???". Btw is this "Spell ???" a free spot for any new spell from this school I may find ? Or is it a defined spell that can't be replaced by any other ?
Actually the only 2 spell I can cast is the one I discovered BECAUSE I putted X points in fire school (the first one), and the first one from earth school. So it seems you can't just try to find new spells once you completed the "Spell ???" you had in your "magic tree".
See I'm actually a bit confuse with the magic system.
- I don't know if my number of castable spell is define by the number of spells I unlocked in my differents schools,
- I don't know if I really have to learn each school to be able to cast spells from this school or not,
- what about multischool spells ? Should I have points in fire earth ice to cast some 3+ rune based spell with those fire earth ice runes ?
Another question (damn me), what does exactly "Your spell fizzles" means ?
- this is a working combination but your level into spellcasting is too low
- this is a working combination but your level into this spell school is too low
- this is not a working combination
If you have some answer, just please don't spoil it. If the answer is a spoil itself, then just tag it as spoiler or just say me to calm down and that it will happen anytime soon to be like DM magic system

Sorry for the long post.