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Mages, Am I doing it wrong
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:23 pm
by DJK
Im at level 6 now with a party of 2 human fighters and 2 human mages. 1 mage has fire and ice, the other air and earth.. every level I make the 2 magic skills go up one, and one in staff defense and one in spellcraft...
Now thing is, Im at level 6 and so far still only really have 4 spells... the "fireburst" from I think level 1... the ice thingie with the two lower corners for casting, the air zap thingie from bottom right (didn't find a scroll for that, just randomly found it) and the poison cloud from the bottom left (or was it bottom right, don't remember :p)
Anyway, that's 4 spells, each mage has 2.. isn't this a tad "scarce" for level 6 ? Should I experiment more with combinations on my own ? Are 2 classes/mage to much ? (aka should a mage only have one element ?) or should I put more in the elements (fire/air etc) and skip the staff defense and spellcraft ?
Re: Mages, Am I doing it wrong
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:24 pm
by qqq
put more in elements
Re: Mages, Am I doing it wrong
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:29 pm
by ironmadeit
trace back! there are more scrolls to be found , i play with one mage have a lot of scrolls just level up
Re: Mages, Am I doing it wrong
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:34 pm
by shdwdrake8
I'm finding spell-lvl 12-15 scrolls before I've found some of the 6-9 ones... and I look at every wall for secret buttons. Every. Single. Wall.
Re: Mages, Am I doing it wrong
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:42 pm
by Stalkingwolf
you can try some combinations. Sad that they not all intuitiv.
Poisen Ball = Poison+Air, Frostbold = Ice+Air, Fireball = Fire+Air *mööööp* /sadface
Re: Mages, Am I doing it wrong
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:53 pm
by S0ny_B1ack
This is what i've read in another topic about how many skill points you can get untill the end of the game:
you can barely max out 1 skill and get some points into another (unless you use skill books)
Here is the quote from the player who said it:
a character will barely max out one skill on normal. I wasn't able to max out Daggers and have Assassination 12, but I didn't give my rogue any skill books or stuff like that. So that kinda didn't help.

So if you want to max out at least one magick skill, focus only on that one and on nothing else (except maybe 5-10 points)
Re: Mages, Am I doing it wrong
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:22 pm
by earthyearth
Re: Mages, Am I doing it wrong
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:33 pm
by Norpser
Mages are probably the trickiest class on the first play through because you have absolutely no idea what spells you will get and how you will work with them. Heck, I started my mage with no spell because i didn't realize you needed to have at least 2 points in fire to cast a basic fire spell. I would say take a look at the guide that the person listed above. It is a spoiler of what spells you will learn and it tells you how to cast, but it gives you an idea of what to expect from each element and can help you build your mage towards something you want. I would say don't worry about knowing how to cast spells without getting the scrolls as it really only affects you on the first playthrough. After that, you will know how to cast them without needing the scrolls (unless you want to play that way and pretend you don't know them)
Re: Mages, Am I doing it wrong
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:12 pm
by mystrdat
Yes, staff defense is a waste.
Re: Mages, Am I doing it wrong
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:54 pm
by Patchumz
Scrolls are a waste of time usually, extremely scarce. Just manually figure out the spells with trial and error. I had all mine figured out by level 2-3.