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Please provide a demo in the future.
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:23 pm
by Thorgrey
Hi, just to begin I want to thank you for making this game, it's very fun. However I was disappointed in the lack of a demo and had to pirate the game initially to see if it was worth a buy, and it was. That said, there's not much stopping people from just keeping the pirated version and never purchasing. While I do agree the DRM free method is superior, I think a demo could have prevented many lost sales, just giving me a taste , say, floor 1, and I'd have pre-ordered even.. I had to pirate Hack, Slash, Loot to see if it was worth paying for, and it wasn't, for me at least, a demo would have helped there as well.
That said, again, very fun game, a little lacking in re-playability but good things are on the horizon with the mod kit, I wish you guys luck with Grimrock's future and releases beyond that.
Re: Please provide a demo in the future.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:01 am
by Arctor
So one merely needs to rationalize one's self interest to justify piracy?
Re: Please provide a demo in the future.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:10 am
by nuclear7
I have to agree with the OP. I never heard of this game before I saw it on a torrent site and I might not have purchased it if I was not able to check it out first. The DRM schemes are useless. Most are already cracked prior to a games release. Also, they are a hassle for paying customers.
This game is really refreshing and brings back alot of memories for me. I am happy to support indy developers that produce a quality product. A demo would help because many gamers are a bit jaded. Games promise this or that but rarely deliver.
Re: Please provide a demo in the future.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:13 am
by Crashbanito
Arctor wrote:So one merely needs to rationalize one's self interest to justify piracy?
Honestly if they wind up purchasing anyway the piracy becomes negligible. This isn't always the case, but hey it worked this time.
Re: Please provide a demo in the future.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:14 am
by Halk
A demo would have provided additional buzz prior to release. Obviously it would have allowed people to see the game as it is.
I'd go so far as to suggest they cut the game down to the first 2 levels and distribute that far and wide as a demo. Make save games compatible with the main game.
That'll help sell the game.
Re: Please provide a demo in the future.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:19 am
by regomar
Arctor wrote:So one merely needs to rationalize one's self interest to justify piracy?
I don;t see a problem with trying before you buy as long as you buy it and don't just keep the pirated version.
That being said, I preordered 2 copies of this game because of the genre alone and never pirated it, but I can see why people would want to see it before forking over money. This isn't the same world as 15 years ago. People pirate to test stuff out all the time and you can't really blame them. Look at all the crap shoveled out these days (the above example of the horrid game Hack, Slash, Loot is a perfect example of shovel-ware garbage) Look at all the bands that put out radio singles that sound nothing like the rest of the album. People have been trained tonot trust content producers and if there's not a demo, there ARE many people that will pirate their own demo. That's just the way it is.
TL/DR: OP paid for a copy. OP wouldn't have done so without first being able to try it via piracy or a demo. No demo is available. IE: piracy has resulted directly in a sale (likely many sales)
Re: Please provide a demo in the future.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:27 am
by zeidrich
Arctor wrote:So one merely needs to rationalize one's self interest to justify piracy?
He's just saying that a demo would have helped him decide to purchase the game.
He's saying that as there was no demo, he pirated the game. He still enjoyed it enough to purchase it. However, if there are other people in a similar situation, they may decide to pirate it as well, but perhaps they will just play the pirated version rather than purchasing it if they enjoy it.
There's little justification there, simply a suggestion that adding a demo might let people who are on the fence decide to buy it, rather than seek out some other way to try it.
I don't think the discussion on whether piracy is justifiable or not is really constructive. It's against the law. It happens. In this case, the OP had a desire to evaluate the game before buying it. There was no legal method to do so, so he decided to pirate it instead. He would have preferred to not pirate it, but there was no reasonable alternative that would let him evaluate the game before buying it.
Re: Please provide a demo in the future.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:04 am
by Rorrik
My brother pirates every game before buying it, mostly because so many games *cough*Mass Effect 3*cough* are horrid and sell for a pretty penny on unkept promises. This game he preordered right there with me because we believe in the genre and we believe in Indie. Even so, I can hardly blame a person for wanting to give a game a try, I don't usually by a game without a recommendation from a friend or a test run on their computer.
I'll say this for the pirates, most really respect a good game and want to support those who make them. My brother is still nagging me to buy Star Craft 2 since I played the campaign on his computer over the winter break. I should do that...
Re: Please provide a demo in the future.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:24 am
by Simmox
i can understand the mentality of wanting a demo
however,i think the game was well supported with early review copies available to watch at various places,youtube had/has heaps of them,plenty to make up your mind on a purchase
Re: Please provide a demo in the future.
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:46 am
Pirating indie games?
What the hell, man!
Pirating major games, yeah, I could understand. Activision, EA and Ubisoft just cripple their games with crazy and out-of-place DRM, but pirating indie games?
That's fucking sick.
Indie devs aren't being paid by a publisher. Their only income comes from the sales of their game. I don't care if you bought Legend of Grimrock after pirating it, you're still thinking you have the right to steal something just because you can, without a proper cause, just because "you want to try it".
Legend of Grimrock doesn't have a crazy DRM with limited installations, it doesn't require a constant online connection, it doesn't have an online pass, it's not sold for 60$ with day-one DLC that's just stuff that's cut from the game.
How DARE you give yourself the right to steal from whoever, whenever! Have you no shame?!
People like you are the reason why big publishers think DRM is necessary!
You just pirate here and there with no regards to the actual people behind the games!
You are trash.
Fucking trash.
What you're doing to the industry is despicable.
Forfeit your right to bitch about DRM, online passes and so on.
You're the reason behind shit like that.