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level 9 help needed - you will be hunted

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:25 pm
by cardman
stuck in that room that says trespassers will be hunted down.Ive killed about 10 lizard dinosaurs and they keep reappearing.So i build my men back up and take a run into the rooms - i find a switch that opens an altar and get scroll - what else is there in here and how am i meant to keep killing these dinosaurs as they everywhere ???

Re: level 9 help needed - you will be hunted

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:33 pm
by citizendog
The monsters keep respawning. So try to evade them, shouldn't be too hard. There is an "exit" of this lizard maze, you just haven't found it yet ;-) Oh and close the gates behind you!

Re: level 9 help needed - you will be hunted

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:40 pm
by cardman
lol been on this for over 2 hrs now as was just sitting outside the gate and killing the enemy to get more food :)

I ran in and i was swarmed from all sides - what a nitemare
None of my men are strong enough to take on more than 1 at a time :)
whats with closing the gates - i did find one in middle - went though it and loads more there as well - i swear these are just annoying now :)

Re: level 9 help needed - you will be hunted

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:00 am
by cardman
this level is doing me head in.

Got a bit further - but to many to take out.

Re: level 9 help needed - you will be hunted

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:41 am
by OniTako
If you have an Air wizard, use the invisibility spell! It will help you a LOT!

Re: level 9 help needed - you will be hunted

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:31 am
by WormSlayer
You can kill the majority, but there are always a couple respawning. Other than loading up on yummy blue steak and assorted goodies, you are looking for a gold key dropped by one of the buggers. Often its helpfully not visible, underneath a steak.

Re: level 9 help needed - you will be hunted

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:51 am
by cardman
im on the prison now - thanks
i know i was stuck here but somehow this room has become a saving grace for me.
weird aint it how i was stuck on here -

yet i had to travel all way back to level 6 just to stock up on food from level 10.Them snails things as i killed all dinosaurs off
Excellant game though - but im disappointed in GFX for prison - horrible to look at compared to nice dungeons :)