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[Suggestion] Limit max frames option
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:33 am
by stage
Is it possible to add a limit on max frames in the configuration file sometime on the future? Am sure this way we can keep the VGA not overwork it self when not needed and save power. Unless it already have some build ingame limiter?
Re: [Suggestion] Limit max frames option
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:36 am
by Thorgrey
Second, my GPU jumps 30 degrees playing this game.
Re: [Suggestion] Limit max frames option
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:39 am
by lFlapjackl
Thorgrey wrote:Second, my GPU jumps 30 degrees playing this game.
You all just need to enable vertical sync~to triple buffer. This doesn't slow the game down, it caps your frames at your refresh rate.
Re: [Suggestion] Limit max frames option
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:44 am
by Thorgrey
lFlapjackl wrote:Thorgrey wrote:Second, my GPU jumps 30 degrees playing this game.
You all just need to enable vertical sync~to triple buffer. This doesn't slow the game down, it caps your frames at your refresh rate.
Wow, thanks for the advice, I was getting worried for a bit there.
Re: [Suggestion] Limit max frames option
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:45 am
by stage
Nope it does not, on a screen with no monsters standing still, one torchlight infront,
V-sync off 103, V-sync enabled - 105, V-Sync 3pl buff - 105-110 And I certanly dont have 110 refresh rate as I play on 60Hz LCD if i remember correctly
Re: [Suggestion] Limit max frames option
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:50 am
by IndigoAK
stage wrote:Nope it does not, on a screen with no monsters standing still, one torchlight infront,
V-sync off 103, V-sync enabled - 105, V-Sync 3pl buff - 105-110 And I certanly dont have 110 refresh rate as I play on 60Hz LCD if i remember correctly
Try forcing VSYNC through your graphics drivers, or if you can find a copy somewhere, dxoverrider, which uses a DirectX library injector to force VSYNC (and does it amazingly).
Re: [Suggestion] Limit max frames option
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:53 am
by stage
Hmm I will try tomorrow too late and too sleepy for IT haxes, if it helps.
But still, limit max frames options is so much simpler and easy solution.
Re: [Suggestion] Limit max frames option
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:57 am
by shazbotnator
Vsync is a different thing than frame limiting. In my opinion vsync causes mouse input lag and sometimes reduces performance if you dip under 60fps. Limiting doesn't do any of those and the only downside is that if you cap it at 60 and not something like 70 or 50, for some reason there is still tearing. So for fps limiting i personally use Dxtory but there are many more choices. Just search for "fps limiter".
Re: [Suggestion] Limit max frames option
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:17 am
by stage
shazbotnator wrote:Vsync is a different thing than frame limiting. In my opinion vsync causes mouse input lag and sometimes reduces performance if you dip under 60fps. Limiting doesn't do any of those and the only downside is that if you cap it at 60 and not something like 70 or 50, for some reason there is still tearing. So for fps limiting i personally use Dxtory but there are many more choices. Just search for "fps limiter".
You have my thanks, Dxtory works great

I knew bout the program, but didnt know it was so handy and have more options then just the video record

I just hope the free trial version is not time-limited.
Re: [Suggestion] Limit max frames option
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:48 am
by Doom972
I would like that as well. V-Sync creates a delay, while a framerate limiter will make the game smooth as well as GPU friendly.