Abandoned project as of 23rd April 2021
see page 6 for explanation and links
Hey Everyone

This thread will serve as the contact point for the sequel to Labyrinth of Lies: Legacy of Lies.
This post will introduce the Team currently working on the mod, the main modding areas and some examples of the work that has been done thus far.
I will edit this post over the next few days and add more information, screen shots, details on time frames etc etc
But firstly I must apologize for my absence in the forums over the last year, Ive been quietly working away on the base systems and custom content for Legacy of Lies
Ive been keeping a good eye on whats happening here and been utilizing a lot of what the community has produced (credits always)
Basically, our Team has been getting everything ready and polished before we begin the detailed creation of the levels.
Labyrinth of Lies was riddled with bugs and errors and this was mostly due to my inexperience and adding custom content ad-hoc and haphazardly
So since the first asset pack was released Ive been recreating the systems needed for this mod to run well
Due to vastly improved modding possibilities available to us now - I could not just try and port over all the Labyrinth of Lies assets - it's largely been a 'start from scratch' job
Anywayz, here is our TEAM
Chris (me - Akroma) ...................... Storyline, custom content, main systems design, coding, icons
Troy (Eleven Warrior) ..................... Environment / Terrain generation
Steffen (Hrothgaar) ....................... Artwork - portraits, icons, map art, cut scene paintings
Drew Griffith ............................... Music - ambient tracks, sound fx
(We have had 2 different 3d modeller/animators come and go - due to their other commitments they both had to cut back on projects
- but they were kind enough to donate their work to our project upon leaving)
Legacy of Lies picks up where Labyrinth of Lies left players - and will continue the story
Both mods are set after Toorum escapes from Mount Grimrock and becomes King of The Northern Realms
The Northern Realms have an age old war with beings called Watchers and their dark armies
If you plan to play Labyrinth of Lies and don't want SPOILERS then don't watch these -
watch from 3:30 mins onwards
This is how Labyrinth of Lies ends .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw-tDryGI0o
watch from 28 mins onwards
Much to my delight, AH has really given us so much room to play here (thanks guys!

All of the above has been expanded upon and a lot of the vanilla definitions have been redone
We are currently running with 13 Races & 19 Classes (Im hoping to cut/collapse the Classes down to 17 or 18 though)
Here are some RACE / CLASS spoiler examples:

Even though the Races and Classes have been test grouped with around 25 people, I'm still anticipating they will be refined constantly through out the mod.
Legacy of Lies Magic system will be similar to Labyrinth of Lies - but is modeled after Wizardry's Spellbook system
There are 6 Spellbooks -
I have reduced the number of Spells available in Legacy of Lies (from Labyrinth oL) - but each Spell has multiple upgrades and variations
In accordance with Skill levels there are 5 Levels of Spells and 6 main groupings of Skill requirements
Many other Skills - Eg Perception, Alchemy, Critical Strike - also feature occasionally in Spell Skill reqs.
Those Spells are then designated to 1 or more Spellbooks (Multiple Spellbooks will usually include the same Spell - less likely for higher level Spells)
The main scripting systems behind the organization of Spells is complete
The 1st Level of Spells are almost completely polished up and drafts of Spells up to Level 4 are ready to be polished up.
Here are some Spell scroll spoiler examples -

Vanilla conditions have been somewhat modified and given new twists
We have a working list of 10 custom conditions
This area of modding is about 90% complete,
Here is a spoiler shot of some vanilla and custom conditions -

This area has been changed and expanded significantly - here is a very brief over view
Not any Champion can interact with Locks and Traps
Champs with the Trapper trait - can set, detect and disarm traps.
Traps may be independent entities or they can be attached to Chests / Doors etc
Champs with the Locksmith trait - can use picklocks to pick the locks on pickable Chests and Doors
(Lockpicks no longer automatically open 1 lock per lockpick)
Chests can be keylocked or picklocked AND trapped or not trapped.
Clicking on a chest lock with lockpicks or disarming tools will bring up a Locks and Traps Menu (using John's grimtk GUI)
The Menu will give you 6 options - The Menu options should be fairly self - explanatory.

Im happy to share this system once it is complete and shareable (I am currently working to finish this now - so please excuse the pic of the draft version)
I anticipate many of the monsters from Labyrinth of Lies will return, as well as new variations on a host of new vanilla LoG2 monsters
I have written up definitions for 4 completely new custom monsters - but that is all. And i suspect they will remain secret until the mod is released

This area has received very little time so far (10% complete) and most of it has been on trying to get a handle on the AI possibilities - which was very fun!
There is going to be a lot of items (40% complete)
Here are some Dagger and Sword spoiler shots

Eleven Warrior has been working hard at setting up the drafts of each level
So far he has drafted up 5 levels. I wont spoil these - other than that the first level-

Having these level drafts has been a great source of motivation and Eleven Warrior has been an incredible help while I have been busy with mostly coding
fw hooks, cozy dungeon, asia, grim assets
grimtk, dmcsb_pack, grimrock1 monsters, coins & money
mdNPC, sx_winter_tileset, dow ghost, MinAssets
forge, sx_urban_town, extra essences,
socketsystem, odin/ob_neogoth, oriental weapons,
I will end the post here. Expect updates and regular attendance to the thread by at least myself.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask

Hope you are all well!