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Spoiler Free Tips for Beginners

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:45 pm
by Lmaoboat
After yelling at my computer monitor while watching during several different Let's Play and reflecting on some of the things I missed myself, I decided to make some dungeoneering tips that beginners might my be kicking themselves over when they figure them out on level 10:

- Jump down every pit: there's something worth it in almost every one, and some of the best items require it.(Took me until level 3 to find this out)

- Inspect every sconce: sometimes adding or removing a torch will trigger a secret wall.

- Watch your back: sometimes enemies will appear behind you. If you see a wall coming down with enemies behind it, oftentimes there will be more back where you came from

-Almost every item has a use: seemingly useless items often find a use later on, sometimes many levels down.

-Hold on to throwable items: even if you don't use them was weapons, they're often needed to solve a puzzle.

-Play with the sound up: listening carefully is useful for detecting enemies, and hearing what direction something is triggered when you press a button.

If anyone has some of their own, feel free to add them, or perhaps make a thread on tip making tips.

Re: Spoiler Free Tips for Beginners

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:21 pm
by Karimento
Do have few extra torches in inventory. You will need them as a light source and solving puzzles.

Re: Spoiler Free Tips for Beginners

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:45 pm
by stubbie
1.Poison wears off after a few minutes. Don't waste potions on curing it except if really needed in a battle.
Instead find a safe place and rest.
2.You wont automatically gain health and energy if your food bar turns yellow.

Re: Spoiler Free Tips for Beginners

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:58 pm
by DawnOfNights
always try to keep your party's health above 50%
use gates to your advantage, if facing lots of (or hard) enemies

Re: Spoiler Free Tips for Beginners

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:24 pm
by Torst
Best tactic for hard monster ,use a door that you can open by a switch or anything else.
Stay behind them,prepare your mage's,open them,fight shortly and then close them to go on the same way.

Re: Spoiler Free Tips for Beginners

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:02 pm
by Fnord
Make sure that your mage has a damage spell from the get go, or it will start to lag behind in terms of exp. Getting the first fire spell is not a bad idea.

Re: Spoiler Free Tips for Beginners

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:49 pm
Fnord wrote:Make sure that your mage has a damage spell from the get go, or it will start to lag behind in terms of exp. Getting the first fire spell is not a bad idea.
Alteratively, give the mage a throwing weapon from the get-go. While you're missing out on a lot of attack power by not having a spell ready, the mage will gain the same amount of XP as the others, as points are not given by the amount of damage done per character, but simply by being involved in combat - One single hit is enough.

Re: Spoiler Free Tips for Beginners

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:24 pm
by Lmaoboat
After watching like people get stuck on this on like 3 different let's plays, it should also be pointed out you can place items on the ground on the other side of grates.

Re: Spoiler Free Tips for Beginners

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:28 pm
by Yadda
Keep a rock, a skull and a bone necklace on you at all times. No, they aren't for levers or throwing. It's to save an immense amount of frustration later.

Re: Spoiler Free Tips for Beginners

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:48 pm
by Devater
Here is a simple yet very efficient tactic to take down enemies (slowly but its quite rewarding) - when you are followed by some strong enemy or devious monster who is smashing your head in...just go back some corridor and find a 2 by 2 square (4 tiles in total) - it doesnt have to have walls in that square, because in an open area it works just as much - Now here is the tactic...when you lead them to that square wait for them to go in it and when they do - watch so you and that monster are in a diagonal to the square and every time the monster moves a tile to attack you, just hit it once or twice as it moves and quickly move to the tile next to you - they can not react fast enough to hit you while they are moving so be quick on your feet (and mouse) - keep in mind that this works only for a single enemy or group (of 4 or 2) Its a very nice tactic if you dont have a rogue* (sorry [typed rouge xD] ) to backstab.