Favorite Race/Class Combo?
- Sir Tawmis
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Favorite Race/Class Combo?
Out of curiosity, what is your favorite Race/Class combo in LOG2? And why?
For example, mine's Minotaur Barbarian - but it's not that it's necessarily because it's a "good combo" - but because, in terms of lore, I have always loved Minotaurs, and when I play D&D I typically play the Barbarian class (back when it was available in 2nd Edition).
For example, mine's Minotaur Barbarian - but it's not that it's necessarily because it's a "good combo" - but because, in terms of lore, I have always loved Minotaurs, and when I play D&D I typically play the Barbarian class (back when it was available in 2nd Edition).
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
Also read: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance here on the forum! Check out the site I made for Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.
Also read: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance here on the forum! Check out the site I made for Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.
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Re: Favorite Race/Class Combo?
I almost always have a ratling alchemist with mutation, endurance and missile.
Re: Favorite Race/Class Combo?
I have a few favorite combinations. I like to try and achieve the "special snowflake" party layouts, so I'm always experimenting. For me, party creation is half the game! I am known to have spent several hours just creating parties, then scrapping them and starting all over again
My favorites:
Lizardman Barbarian
I really love Lizardmen, With 2 additional Dex, and 10 Str / Vit, they work well in any role. And the elemental resistance they get is amazing through the entire game
As a front-row fighter, go for Fast Metabolism and Healthy, skill into Heavy Weapons and Accuracy, then put all your attribute points into Strength and Vitality. Very high health (and regeneration), hard hitter with a heavy weapon in hand and with good hit chance, strong resistances, this is a very durable fighter. To top it off, health potions are twice as effective (because of Metabolism trait) !
Insectoid Knight
With Chitin Armor trait, and 4/5 Armor spec. This guy goes for heavy armor sets. With very high protection stat, extra evasion from Knight bonus, and 50% injury reduction, this is a very enduring front-row fighter. Give him Heavy Weapons skill and he can also dish out some real damage. Insectoids are a bit underrated, they are the next strongest race after minotaurs, and the injury reduction is incredible, even if you rarely think about it. If you pick the "Quick" trait and skill 3 points into Dodge, you will hit very fast!
Lizardman Wizard
The famous lizard-wizard. With Fast Metabolism and Endure Elements traits, and going for the Archmage clothes, this guy will have insane energy regeneration, and will be almost immune to elemental damage!
Minotaur Alchemist OR Rogue
This guy skills into Alchemy and Throwing. Give him Endurance and Head Hunter traits. He will have insane carrying capacity, he can carry the items for your entire party! He also dishes out heavy damage, because throwing is Strength-based, and to top it off he mixes some crazy potions. There is an abundance of throwing items from the very start of the game, so this guy pulls his load, quite literally
He can be either Rogue or Alchemist. Go Rogue if you want to hit harder with those throwing axes in the late-game, or go Alchemist if you want to create more potions.
Insectoid Battle Mage
This as another solid front-row fighter, for much the same reasons as the Insect knight, however as a Battle mage, with a staff in hand plus the protection spell, this guy gets a whopping +35 protection stat! Add to that the Chitin Armor trait and you have 45 protection before you even leave Twigroot Forest. Impressive! However, he is lacking in offensive power, he tries to be both a Wizard and a Barbarian, but ends up somewhere in between, with low physical damage and low energy pool. I don't recommend this combination
Lizardman Rogue
-Very- solid backrow character. Give him the Poison Immunity trait, and skill into Missile Weapons + Critical. When you get him some arrows and a good bow, he will be an amazing damage dealer for your team. And with the high dexterity, he tends to avoid taking damage at all. Very sneaky and strong character. However, i don't recommend him! Why not? Because you're better off bringing an alchemist (see my minotaur alchemist combo above). The thrower can deal very comparable damage to the missile shooter.
And now, for the characters that i don't like: (spoilered because lots of text!)
I think i might have been carried away here, but that just shows how much i love this game
Can't wait for a sequel / expansion, seriously.

My favorites:
Lizardman Barbarian
I really love Lizardmen, With 2 additional Dex, and 10 Str / Vit, they work well in any role. And the elemental resistance they get is amazing through the entire game

As a front-row fighter, go for Fast Metabolism and Healthy, skill into Heavy Weapons and Accuracy, then put all your attribute points into Strength and Vitality. Very high health (and regeneration), hard hitter with a heavy weapon in hand and with good hit chance, strong resistances, this is a very durable fighter. To top it off, health potions are twice as effective (because of Metabolism trait) !
Insectoid Knight
With Chitin Armor trait, and 4/5 Armor spec. This guy goes for heavy armor sets. With very high protection stat, extra evasion from Knight bonus, and 50% injury reduction, this is a very enduring front-row fighter. Give him Heavy Weapons skill and he can also dish out some real damage. Insectoids are a bit underrated, they are the next strongest race after minotaurs, and the injury reduction is incredible, even if you rarely think about it. If you pick the "Quick" trait and skill 3 points into Dodge, you will hit very fast!
Lizardman Wizard
The famous lizard-wizard. With Fast Metabolism and Endure Elements traits, and going for the Archmage clothes, this guy will have insane energy regeneration, and will be almost immune to elemental damage!
Minotaur Alchemist OR Rogue
This guy skills into Alchemy and Throwing. Give him Endurance and Head Hunter traits. He will have insane carrying capacity, he can carry the items for your entire party! He also dishes out heavy damage, because throwing is Strength-based, and to top it off he mixes some crazy potions. There is an abundance of throwing items from the very start of the game, so this guy pulls his load, quite literally

He can be either Rogue or Alchemist. Go Rogue if you want to hit harder with those throwing axes in the late-game, or go Alchemist if you want to create more potions.
Insectoid Battle Mage
This as another solid front-row fighter, for much the same reasons as the Insect knight, however as a Battle mage, with a staff in hand plus the protection spell, this guy gets a whopping +35 protection stat! Add to that the Chitin Armor trait and you have 45 protection before you even leave Twigroot Forest. Impressive! However, he is lacking in offensive power, he tries to be both a Wizard and a Barbarian, but ends up somewhere in between, with low physical damage and low energy pool. I don't recommend this combination

Lizardman Rogue
-Very- solid backrow character. Give him the Poison Immunity trait, and skill into Missile Weapons + Critical. When you get him some arrows and a good bow, he will be an amazing damage dealer for your team. And with the high dexterity, he tends to avoid taking damage at all. Very sneaky and strong character. However, i don't recommend him! Why not? Because you're better off bringing an alchemist (see my minotaur alchemist combo above). The thrower can deal very comparable damage to the missile shooter.
And now, for the characters that i don't like: (spoilered because lots of text!)
So the ratlings get +15 max load. BUT they also get -4 to Strength. The weakest race in game, they actually have the same carrying capacity as Insectoids (who have 5 more Strength!). With most weapons being based from Strength, a ratling makes for a poor front-row fighter. But oh, they have +4 Evasion, right? Well no, they only have 2 more evasion than the Lizardmen. And compare +25 to all resists, to the ratlings (VERY situational) disease resistance. Lizardmen wins every time. Basically, if you want a Dex based character - take a Lizardman. Want a strength based character - bring a Minotaur. The ratling has no place in the party.
The Mutation trait is also very disappointing, because of its random nature. The only reason i can see to bring a ratling is if you want to feed him a lot of cheese
There's tons of cheese in the game, so with some luck you can get his stats up i guess.
This class is just a weak barbarian! I have played through the game many times, but i have never once brought a Fighter. His Health scaling is awful compared to the Barb, but they have the same Energy scaling. And the Barb gets +1 Strength per level! Which equates to carriyng capacity as well as damage. The Fighter is just a very poor choice to bring along because of this. Wanna use a melee weapons special ability? Bring a Battle mage instead! Or heck, just use your barb! Just spec a few points into Concentration, and with that extra Strength, you will do way more damage than a Fighter ever will.
Dual Wielding character / Light Weapons character / Backstabber
Oh god, please don't even try. I've watched many streams / playthroughs of people picking a Light Weapons specialized, Dual Wielding character for their front-row. This is just such a bad choice! It's so bad, i'm gonna name five reasons explaining why:
---1. The Damage is lower than for Heavy Weapons
Because of the way Protection works in this game, a hard hitting weapon is preferable. With fast light weapons, if you hit a well-armored target such as a crab for example, your hits will often only do 1 damage. But if a strong minotaur with a two-hander hits that same crab, he will hit for 40! Why? Because the crabs protection value shaves off a certain amount of damage from each hit.
---2. You must click more to achieve the same DPS as a Heavy Weapons character
With a dual-wielding character with fast weapons, you may have to click as often as once every second, just to achieve constant damage-dealing! The heavy two-hander warrior next to you is clicking once every 6 seconds, and achieving the same DPS.
---3. Achieving a Backstab is very difficult and a rare opportunity
You probably looked at the Critical skill, and noticed the 5-point bonus. "Wow, i can backstab crit for triple damage with any light weapon? I will be one-hitting monsters!" Okay, to get a backstab the monster has to be facing away from you. The problem is that -every- monster is programmed to turn towards you. You will never get a backstab in the narrow corridors of the dungeons! You can try combo-ing this with Frostbolts and Invisibility, it just isn't feasible. Sorry
---4. The access to Light Weapons is much worse than for Heavy Weapons
You just don't find as many cool Light weapons as the Heavy ones. That's how the developers decided to do it.
---5. The Rogue is AWFUL in the front row!
A dual-wielding Rogue in the front row? Recipe for disaster. The Rogue's health scaling is awful, and his survivability compared to a Knight or Barbarian is bottom-tier. "Dual wielding rogue in the backrow, maybe?" you think. Well at that point, you might as well make him a Missile / Throwing Rogue. For a backrow-melee-character, a Heavy Weapons Barbarian is a much better choice, for the above reasons.
So the ratlings get +15 max load. BUT they also get -4 to Strength. The weakest race in game, they actually have the same carrying capacity as Insectoids (who have 5 more Strength!). With most weapons being based from Strength, a ratling makes for a poor front-row fighter. But oh, they have +4 Evasion, right? Well no, they only have 2 more evasion than the Lizardmen. And compare +25 to all resists, to the ratlings (VERY situational) disease resistance. Lizardmen wins every time. Basically, if you want a Dex based character - take a Lizardman. Want a strength based character - bring a Minotaur. The ratling has no place in the party.
The Mutation trait is also very disappointing, because of its random nature. The only reason i can see to bring a ratling is if you want to feed him a lot of cheese

This class is just a weak barbarian! I have played through the game many times, but i have never once brought a Fighter. His Health scaling is awful compared to the Barb, but they have the same Energy scaling. And the Barb gets +1 Strength per level! Which equates to carriyng capacity as well as damage. The Fighter is just a very poor choice to bring along because of this. Wanna use a melee weapons special ability? Bring a Battle mage instead! Or heck, just use your barb! Just spec a few points into Concentration, and with that extra Strength, you will do way more damage than a Fighter ever will.
Dual Wielding character / Light Weapons character / Backstabber
Oh god, please don't even try. I've watched many streams / playthroughs of people picking a Light Weapons specialized, Dual Wielding character for their front-row. This is just such a bad choice! It's so bad, i'm gonna name five reasons explaining why:
---1. The Damage is lower than for Heavy Weapons
Because of the way Protection works in this game, a hard hitting weapon is preferable. With fast light weapons, if you hit a well-armored target such as a crab for example, your hits will often only do 1 damage. But if a strong minotaur with a two-hander hits that same crab, he will hit for 40! Why? Because the crabs protection value shaves off a certain amount of damage from each hit.
---2. You must click more to achieve the same DPS as a Heavy Weapons character
With a dual-wielding character with fast weapons, you may have to click as often as once every second, just to achieve constant damage-dealing! The heavy two-hander warrior next to you is clicking once every 6 seconds, and achieving the same DPS.
---3. Achieving a Backstab is very difficult and a rare opportunity
You probably looked at the Critical skill, and noticed the 5-point bonus. "Wow, i can backstab crit for triple damage with any light weapon? I will be one-hitting monsters!" Okay, to get a backstab the monster has to be facing away from you. The problem is that -every- monster is programmed to turn towards you. You will never get a backstab in the narrow corridors of the dungeons! You can try combo-ing this with Frostbolts and Invisibility, it just isn't feasible. Sorry

---4. The access to Light Weapons is much worse than for Heavy Weapons
You just don't find as many cool Light weapons as the Heavy ones. That's how the developers decided to do it.
---5. The Rogue is AWFUL in the front row!
A dual-wielding Rogue in the front row? Recipe for disaster. The Rogue's health scaling is awful, and his survivability compared to a Knight or Barbarian is bottom-tier. "Dual wielding rogue in the backrow, maybe?" you think. Well at that point, you might as well make him a Missile / Throwing Rogue. For a backrow-melee-character, a Heavy Weapons Barbarian is a much better choice, for the above reasons.

Re: Favorite Race/Class Combo?
minotaur barbarian (for strength based light weapons) or ratling rogue (for dex based light weapons), because i like damage
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- Dr.Disaster
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Re: Favorite Race/Class Combo?
Human Farmer
- the increased experience gain from both race and trait bonuses makes food extra yummy
Insectoid Knight
- with halved chance for injuries, Chitin Armor, reduced Armor weight and +1 Protection per level he's king when it comes to Protection
Lizardman BattleMage (front row) or Wizard (back row)
- the increased/faster energy regeneration from Fast Metabolism is all a spell caster ever wanted
Minotaur Barbarian
- strength related weapon master; the +1 Strength per level makes him so OP he even bests a Minotaur Rogue specialized in Throwing when it comes to damage
Ratling Rogue
- as dexterity counterpart of the Mino Barb he's the master of Daggers and Missiles and his Mutation trait for +1 stat point per level is hard to argue against although it's random
- the increased experience gain from both race and trait bonuses makes food extra yummy
Insectoid Knight
- with halved chance for injuries, Chitin Armor, reduced Armor weight and +1 Protection per level he's king when it comes to Protection
Lizardman BattleMage (front row) or Wizard (back row)
- the increased/faster energy regeneration from Fast Metabolism is all a spell caster ever wanted
Minotaur Barbarian
- strength related weapon master; the +1 Strength per level makes him so OP he even bests a Minotaur Rogue specialized in Throwing when it comes to damage
Ratling Rogue
- as dexterity counterpart of the Mino Barb he's the master of Daggers and Missiles and his Mutation trait for +1 stat point per level is hard to argue against although it's random
Re: Favorite Race/Class Combo?
Ratling barbarian - negative strength offset by barb gains. Evasion more beneficial to front row. Dex always welcome to melee. Mutation works best on a front row character, rat barb benefits from any stat gains. Heavy weapons naturally for good taste. Usually I go martial training because I don't want to spend points in accuracy on the front row. That leaves skills open for Crit or athletics, depending on your teams needs.
Human wizard - with so many skills, you can go 5 fire, 4 air, 3 concentration, and still get 2 accuracy and 3 light weapons for the ultimate bear form when your mana is depleted, or in big battles where casting is not beneficial as melee DPS.
Lizardman rogue - max dexterity character can go max light, max Crit, 2 accuracy and still spend some points in missile for corridor battles. A little boring, but compliments a wizard well.
Minotaur fighter - back row sycth user. Works well alongside an alchemist to boost him with rage and speed potions. Also will be using the mage clothes set to spam special as much as possible, so don't put him alongside a wizard.
Human wizard - with so many skills, you can go 5 fire, 4 air, 3 concentration, and still get 2 accuracy and 3 light weapons for the ultimate bear form when your mana is depleted, or in big battles where casting is not beneficial as melee DPS.
Lizardman rogue - max dexterity character can go max light, max Crit, 2 accuracy and still spend some points in missile for corridor battles. A little boring, but compliments a wizard well.
Minotaur fighter - back row sycth user. Works well alongside an alchemist to boost him with rage and speed potions. Also will be using the mage clothes set to spam special as much as possible, so don't put him alongside a wizard.
- Sir Tawmis
- Posts: 994
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Re: Favorite Race/Class Combo?
Welcome to the forums! So for the Ratling Barbarian - if it has a negative STR, you think Evasion is the better thing rather than less evasion and more damage output?raboune wrote:Ratling barbarian - negative strength offset by barb gains. Evasion more beneficial to front row. Dex always welcome to melee. Mutation works best on a front row character, rat barb benefits from any stat gains. Heavy weapons naturally for good taste. Usually I go martial training because I don't want to spend points in accuracy on the front row. That leaves skills open for Crit or athletics, depending on your teams needs.
Human wizard - with so many skills, you can go 5 fire, 4 air, 3 concentration, and still get 2 accuracy and 3 light weapons for the ultimate bear form when your mana is depleted, or in big battles where casting is not beneficial as melee DPS.
Lizardman rogue - max dexterity character can go max light, max Crit, 2 accuracy and still spend some points in missile for corridor battles. A little boring, but compliments a wizard well.
Minotaur fighter - back row sycth user. Works well alongside an alchemist to boost him with rage and speed potions. Also will be using the mage clothes set to spam special as much as possible, so don't put him alongside a wizard.
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
Also read: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance here on the forum! Check out the site I made for Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.
Also read: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance here on the forum! Check out the site I made for Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.
Re: Favorite Race/Class Combo?
I can't contribute yet, to this conversation, as I'm still only an hour into the game, but I think that I too fall into the category where half the fun is in making the party up.
This is good food for thought here, keep the ideas coming! I'd love to hear more about what works and does not work as far as teams characteristics go.
Is it possible to play two games concurrently? I mean to start a new game, after the first one has been going a while, to switch back and forth to see how a different team works for you? Or does that wipe the first team out?
This is good food for thought here, keep the ideas coming! I'd love to hear more about what works and does not work as far as teams characteristics go.
Is it possible to play two games concurrently? I mean to start a new game, after the first one has been going a while, to switch back and forth to see how a different team works for you? Or does that wipe the first team out?
- Dr.Disaster
- Posts: 2876
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Re: Favorite Race/Class Combo?
You can have up to 100 named save games on top of the quick- and autosave slots so in theory you can play 100 different parties at once.Xeuster wrote:Is it possible to play two games concurrently? I mean to start a new game, after the first one has been going a while, to switch back and forth to see how a different team works for you? Or does that wipe the first team out?
- Sir Tawmis
- Posts: 994
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Re: Favorite Race/Class Combo?
But wouldn't that mean saving over the same save game? (Which, with Grimrock, I wouldn't recommend lol)Dr.Disaster wrote:You can have up to 100 named save games on top of the quick- and autosave slots so in theory you can play 100 different parties at once.Xeuster wrote:Is it possible to play two games concurrently? I mean to start a new game, after the first one has been going a while, to switch back and forth to see how a different team works for you? Or does that wipe the first team out?
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
Also read: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance here on the forum! Check out the site I made for Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.
Also read: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance here on the forum! Check out the site I made for Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.