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Grimrock Strategy Guides

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:31 pm
by earthyearth
post here any useful strategy guides you've come across for Grimrock

I'll start

here is a list of all spells and how to cast them:
Legend of Grimrock List of Spells

thanks to all those posting more resources keep it up!!!

Re: Grimrock Strategy Guides

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:11 pm
by sevtai ... hrough.php Up to level 9 walkthroughs, being updated ASAP ... ndoors.php Up to level 9 iron doors, again being updated ASAP Up to lev- see above ;) ... asures.php 1-5 treasures, again will be updated soon i imagine ... snotes.php 1-10 of Toorums notes, same as above updated ASAP ... ecipes.php Recipes for those budding alchemists out there ;)

Game Banshee = Win Class Info Race Info ... ibutes.php Attribute Info [Do note typo on DEX] Spell Lists Skill Lists Trait Lists

Need i go on ?? its all there =D
For any links that dont seem to show anything, use the navigation bar to the right side of the screen.

Re: Grimrock Strategy Guides

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:32 pm
by war_dog
made a spell list here : viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1212

Re: Grimrock Strategy Guides

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:59 pm
by BuckGB
Thanks for all the linkage, sevtai! We added all of the spells, the level 10 iron door, the achievements, and more this morning - oh, and I fixed that dexterity typo :). The rest of the walkthrough and the equipment database should be up within the next few days, too. Stay tuned!

Re: Grimrock Strategy Guides

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:25 pm
by sevtai
Found the site, and fell in love, only times ive needed the use the forums, is for the stuff your missing, and ive been able to help many a lost soul with knowledge from your site, so all the thanks go to you guys ^^

Re: Grimrock Strategy Guides

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:24 pm
by CV77
Yup, GameBanshee is pretty awesome. Very accurate too. Must've been a lot of work putting it together.

Only their tip about the Fighter's Challenge (how to open that wooden door) didn't work for me. But I guess at this point nobody is 100% sure what exactly is to be done there.

Re: Grimrock Strategy Guides

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:23 am
by larkin
At least one mage is essential, for me it is....

Fire has very good offensive spells, but 5 in spellcraft and you can get rid of all those annoying torches.

Experimentation or just plain stuck?

Searching for the missing clue will use up a ton of food and shorten your chances making life, literally hell.

Make a special save just for long drawn out crawls and spell tests. When you discover the secret, do it quickly again on your primary save.

Re: Grimrock Strategy Guides

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:58 am
by sea
CV77 wrote:Yup, GameBanshee is pretty awesome. Very accurate too. Must've been a lot of work putting it together.

Only their tip about the Fighter's Challenge (how to open that wooden door) didn't work for me. But I guess at this point nobody is 100% sure what exactly is to be done there.
Yeah, sorry about that. We're still not 100% sure on how it's done and it's one of those things where we'll either have to ask the devs, or consult the community to figure it out. Since the Sword of Nex, Flame Blade etc. don't seem to be 100% reliable either, right now I'm leaning more towards "must have a weapon skill of X level" but I'm not certain of that and it might require quite a bit of testing (including potentially replaying the game, unfortunately).

In the meantime, level 10 walkthrough is up. I'll be adding the endgame 11, 12 and 13 sometime tomorrow. Currently I'm missing 4 secrets so I'm hoping our readers will help fill in any blanks I've missed - I'm pretty confident about the first 6-7 levels but after that I'm not certain, and while I think there are a few secrets in the endgame I want to make certain I'm not missing anything big before going too far ahead. I'd rather not have incomplete maps if I can avoid it.