Help with level 5 broken lever and 2 switches
Help with level 5 broken lever and 2 switches
I have made it this far, whew. i have heard that the sequence is as follows. pull lever down, press right hand button, pull lever up, press left hand button.
i do this but the door there won't open. am i correct in this sequence? it matches toorams note about leaving it in an upright position. please advise. tnx
i do this but the door there won't open. am i correct in this sequence? it matches toorams note about leaving it in an upright position. please advise. tnx
Re: Help with level 5 broken lever and 2 switches
As far as i know this IS the correct combination, although i had ALOT of trouble with it, it just didnt want to work for me, i did it over and over, eventually it got the idea ... sorry i cant help more =p
Yummy, more baked maggots ... bah, give them to the mage ...
Re: Help with level 5 broken lever and 2 switches
I've seen conflicting reports on this. What worked for me was mashing the lever, leaving it upright. Then the button furthest from the door. Then the one next to it. Give each one a lot of use.
Re: Help with level 5 broken lever and 2 switches
Just fiddle with it, go nuts, eventually itll open =p
Yummy, more baked maggots ... bah, give them to the mage ...
Re: Help with level 5 broken lever and 2 switches
what a bunch of shit. So is this a bug or something? I have been doing my research and have heard of conflicting reports as well.
Re: Help with level 5 broken lever and 2 switches
Sucks, but whos knows, its one of those things youd have to look at the code itself to figure out properly, good luck with your fiddling though lmao =p
Yummy, more baked maggots ... bah, give them to the mage ...
Re: Help with level 5 broken lever and 2 switches
so yeah mashing it works. First i mashed the lever about 20 times or so i did not count it out. then i mashed the button opposite the door the same. then i hit the button by the door and it opened. LOL
Re: Help with level 5 broken lever and 2 switches
Define the word "Mash!"
Re: Help with level 5 broken lever and 2 switches
"Use repeatedly"larkin wrote:Define the word "Mash!"
Re: Help with level 5 broken lever and 2 switches
"The" says otherwise Drax:
mash (msh)
1. A fermentable starchy mixture from which alcohol or spirits can be distilled.
2. A mixture of ground grain and nutrients fed to livestock and fowl.
3. A soft pulpy mixture or mass.
4. Chiefly British Mashed potatoes.
5. A crushing or grinding.
6. Slang An infatuation or act of flirtation.
tr.v. mashed, mash·ing, mash·es
1. To convert (malt or grain) into mash.
2. To convert into a soft pulpy mixture: mash potatoes.
3. To crush or grind. See Synonyms at crush.
4. Chiefly Southern & South Midland U.S. To apply pressure to; press.
5. Slang To flirt with or make sexual advances to.
But yeah, in gaming terms "Use repeatedly" works
mash (msh)
1. A fermentable starchy mixture from which alcohol or spirits can be distilled.
2. A mixture of ground grain and nutrients fed to livestock and fowl.
3. A soft pulpy mixture or mass.
4. Chiefly British Mashed potatoes.
5. A crushing or grinding.
6. Slang An infatuation or act of flirtation.
tr.v. mashed, mash·ing, mash·es
1. To convert (malt or grain) into mash.
2. To convert into a soft pulpy mixture: mash potatoes.
3. To crush or grind. See Synonyms at crush.
4. Chiefly Southern & South Midland U.S. To apply pressure to; press.
5. Slang To flirt with or make sexual advances to.
But yeah, in gaming terms "Use repeatedly" works