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The Dungeon of The North (Testing Floor 1 Up for download)
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:40 am
by Alino
Hello, peasants.
I have decided to make a dungeon for Grimrock 1. I had been working on one for Grimrock 2 for awhile except, it really didn't appeal all that much to me. I prefer Grimrock's 1 class system and several of the mobs in it, so, therefore, I'll be doing it here.
The dungeon will be around the same length as Grimrock 1 (10 - 15 floors.) And, since I don't want to reuse the Rubix Cube as the final boss, could anybody offer suggestions as to what a good one would be?
Made a small backstory -
The four of you were thrown into the Dungeon of the North, a treacherous, hostile land where frostbite is the least of your concerns. It is unknown as to what lies in the shadows of the Dungeon, as nobody has ever escaped it alive. However; there have been rumors of an ancient evil lurking in the shadows of the Dungeon.
One of the members in your cell managed to sneak a lockpick into the cell, and, with that, you may be able to leave before it comes for you. Whatever 'it' is.
Download Link:
Re: Alino's Unnamed Dungeon (No download, just talk)
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 6:01 am
by Isaac
As a resource [for both assets and scripting]:
*I do recommend playing through, before taking it apart.

Re: Alino's Unnamed Dungeon (No download, just talk)
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 6:16 am
by Alino
Oh man that's a big thing right there. I'll check it out. Do you have anything you'd like to see in my map, by the way?
Re: Alino's Unnamed Dungeon (No download, just talk)
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 7:12 am
by Isaac

Re: Alino's Unnamed Dungeon (No download, just talk)
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 7:19 am
by Alino
Isaac wrote:Ladders.

I go into fits of shock whenever I see ladders after playing through Dark Souls 1 in Blighttown.
Re: Alino's Unnamed Dungeon (No download, just talk)
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 7:22 am
by Alino
Tested a few different rooms on that map. They've all been incredibly good. However; I don't plan to have interactions like that in my game (NPCS, that is.) There were a few things I really liked though. - The notebooks, the amazing puzzles, and the multi-layer rooms. And then there was that pit which I have no idea how that was possible in the grimrock 1 editor.
Re: Alino's Unnamed Dungeon (No download, just talk)
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 9:02 am
by Isaac
The [central] pit? (in the middle); it was an inspired illusion [and a lot of work]. The multi-level rooms... there were many of those, but if you mean the "Foundry", where you can see through the floors above & below... That one's my room; (and also an illusion).
**And the ladders that were a core part of my room, we eventually used elsewhere throughout the complex.
*** What's really neat about the mod is that it erases much of the map level in sections, when the party cannot directly see or visit those areas from their current location. It is the cause of the occasional hiccup/lag when crossing from one zone to the next; but it's what allows such a dense map to run at a decent framerate. There was no occlusion culling in LoG1.
Re: Alino's Unnamed Dungeon (No download, just talk)
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 9:21 am
by Alino
It looked really good. I was surprised when I saw that central area. It was amazingly good looking. I thought there was some trick to just making void in multiple layers that caused it to look like that.
Re: Alino's Unnamed Dungeon (No download, just talk)
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 9:23 am
by Isaac
You can toss items off the edge, and go down there and pick them up.
IIRC... the map tracks occupied torches, such that they are lit on the levels seen adjacent ~when they have torches, and switched off when the torch was removed. My room did that originally, but I think my torch_holder script got broken in that respect, during one of the revision/optimizations that happened. (I don't know if it's fixed in the last release.)
**The source project is available on the mod page.
Re: Alino's Unnamed Dungeon (No download, just talk)
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 9:37 am
by Alino
That's an odd but interesting way of doing things. I feel like if I were going to have large caverns like that I'd probably use the Grimrock 2 editor. Although, I assume Grimrock 2 wasn't out when that was made. The 3rd dimension Grimrock 2 adds to levels is the only thing I prefer with its editor.