* Great charachter creation with the races and traits.
* Very neat interface and graphics, imo perfect level of details - to real looking will loose the feeling I think.
* I also like the open world solution very much.
- WAY to little NPC's to kill - often felt like you run into places someone else must been clearing out to 90% just before you entered.
- When coming closer to the end boss there should be much more and harder minions to protect him before the end fight, here it was almost none and that's really really wierd.
- There could very well be some effects or videos when killing big bosses, like the dragon on the roof - now it just dissapeared if I'm not mistaken?
- Far fetch solutions, to little logical clues for them - or maybe I'm slow and missed them? Some when I heard the solutions I didn't even get why I should do that (like the three levers to open the door in Castle Nex).
- To easy to exploit Herders Den and here is a suggestion for a fix for such place(s):
1) There should be like a maximum number of monster in such place that respawns again and again, and each time gives less and less XP/loot so that soon enough it's no use farming the place.
I got my team to lev 17 and the farmer to lev 25 there in just about 9 hours effective farming - and I was only like halfway in to game and heard others end up at lev 14.
2) Another way to solve it is that you gain less and less XP for monsters of lower level (like a relative XP-gain, your level vs monster level), but I'd prefere the above solution.
- I missed some information in game, like for example how much do I gain to take water magic 4 and 5 for my skills, as far as I saw there were no info about that.
+ I MISS: More stage boss's here and there, dropping good loot.
+ I MISS: Side quests giving XP and items. I was a big fan of the Might & Magic series (from 6 and forth), there they had this and it was a great ingridiens that added much to the game imo.
+ A bit more skillpoints in the end I'd prefere, I think it was way to few of them eventhough I was lev 19 in the end (25 on the farmer).
+ Could very well need an expansion that just add things to the game like Diablo-series had.
+ Also take another turn in a much harder level with same gang (also like Diablo), another run with same team is something else than a restart on a harder level - I know the later exist.
+ Maybe Cleric/Priest/(Paladin) with healing abilities would be an alternative also as in the old games. Seems now the Alchemist has replaced them, maybe both could be in game so one could choose playstyle?
Still a great game, but in my opinion would be much more great with some fine adjustments. And I really think the base of it is so good that you should make expansions to it instead of making LoG3. Why not add a whole new world that builds out the one here... or even open up deeper levels in the existing one?