Firstly a bit of background about it if you're interested in knowing a bit more. I've been working on the mod for over a year now. Its not my first mod either, but my others never saw the light of day. This one, however, is more focussed and so I've started to make really good headway with it. I also used this mod as a way to teach myself lua, but I still have a long way to go. Right now I'm still toiling along with only very basic scripting knowledge, but the stuff I've made here would have seemed impossible to me a year ago, so I have that to be proud of, lol. As for the dungeon itself, it is called the Depths of Dromelheim, and is set in Fort Dromelheim in the kingdom of Valismar. Bandits have overrun and you've got to drive them out (or ruthlessly massacre all of them), but as is often the case in these games, the bandits aren't the 'main' villains of the story. That you'll have to find out when you play, of course.
The mod features:
3 new races, and a reworking of the classes (there are now 2 'fighter' classes, 2 'rogue' classes, 2 'caster' classes, and an extra 'hard mode' class).
2 new skill trees, Healing Magic and Necromancy (these replace firearms and alchemy, sorry to people who are fans of those, but they don't fit in with the lore of my world).
All spells have been reworked, and there are a few new ones.
Reimagined skill trees and traits, with some all new traits and new 'gift' traits, similar to Dark Souls (except these gift items cannot be attained in the game, take them or leave them

Every enemy has been customized to some extent, some more than others.
A whole item gfx atlas worth of new items.
Four distinct areas, or 'floors' of the fortress, the upper 'Fort' level, the second 'Depths' level, and so on.
New objects and custom assets.
A customized tileset (basically a retexture of the dungeon set, but is unique enough for the effect I wanted).
New ambient music and sound effects.
Expect a lot of nods and minor references to other games, in particular Dark Souls and Lands of Lore.
I hope I'm not building it up too much, I'm pleased with what I have done but I'm constantly astonished by what other people have made, and it puts my efforts to shame, lol. There are no new models used in the mod, except those I pilfered from other custom asset packs (with full credits given). So I think that's about it. If you're interested in beta testing this thing for me, please send me a PM. Hope to hear from you soon. Cheers guys