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[MOD] Chaos Strikes back - I am so stuck , any help?

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 5:11 am
by wesbailey81
Hey i'v had a ton of fun playing CSB remake but the last 2 days i have been stuck and i just cannot figure it out i know a lot of you will know the area i'm talking about.

I'm trying to close a pit on the ROS path to get into the DDD, downstairs was an area where i used a teleporter to trap a skeleton behind a door and then killed him with arrows. Door opens and theirs an "eye" on the wall. The Amiga version you click any item on it and then go upstairs and theirs a button right near the pit you push and you'r good. I cannot for the life of me get the pit closed. Nothing works on the eye and i have not found a mirror of dawn or a magnifier, is that the problem? Am I missing something else? Last 2 days play sessions used up and i just cannot figure this out, if someone knows i'd really appreciate it =)

Awesome Remake! Thank you very much whoever made it!

Re: [MOD] Chaos Strikes back - I am so stuck , any help?

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:33 pm
by comscript
you need the mirror of dawn or the magnifier,
you find the magnifier in a chest in the level 8 (coord 6,35 on the map)
you find the mirror in level 8 (see the link maps)

in the console try spawn("dm_mirror_of_dawn")
or spawn("dm_magnifier")

Re: [MOD] Chaos Strikes back - I am so stuck , any help?

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:53 pm
by wesbailey81
Thank you so much, been stuck for days.