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fan feedback: Map marks

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:52 pm
by hda
Hi there Almost human people,

here is a bit of fan feedback. I am hard map mark user, it means, I use to mark on the map almost everything, many, many things (such as f8.3 = Fall #3 of the 8 level, or tp5.2 = teleport #2 of the 5 level), so my maps are crawded of nasty "n", wich makes hard to read taking a look.

So here is my ask: Is there any posibility to make coulored marks or symbolic ones?

Thank you!

Re: fan feedback: Map marks

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:32 pm
by ozmiz
+1 this, mirrors my thoughts as well. All of my maps ended up with a lot of notes and mine look pretty cluttered.

Re: fan feedback: Map marks

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:37 pm
by Minax
I was thinking the same while playing the game. Somtimes I can't even see my party on the map because they are buried under a pile of map notes. Different kinds of note symbols would be great (for crystals and teleporters, for example), and maybe the option to change their opacity or toggle them on and off.

Re: fan feedback: Map marks

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:41 pm
by Pipsissiwa
Yeah I add loads to my maps too - some get busy very fast. Just being able to use different letters, like S (for switch) C for crystal or whatever would be amazing - then you wouldnt have to hover over the N to see what it was all the time - we could make up our own code systems which people like me love to do in games like this. Colours, symbols anything really, but just being able to use other letters than N would be brilliant.

TY for listening . :)

Edited for spelling hehe

Re: fan feedback: Map marks

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:14 pm
by hda
Minax wrote:I was thinking the same while playing the game. Somtimes I can't even see my party on the map because they are buried under a pile of map notes. Different kinds of note symbols would be great (for crystals and teleporters, for example), and maybe the option to change their opacity or toggle them on and off.
Changin their opacity or toggling them on and off could be usefull as wel! :D

Re: fan feedback: Map marks

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:26 pm
by brick
This is actually the main reason I'm really glad I'm playing on hardcore mode, I can use all kinds of different symbols :)

Re: fan feedback: Map marks

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:48 pm
by killington
Was going to say what brick did, theres a very easy way to fix this yourself. Draw your own maps.