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Survival mode?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:07 pm
by SenSx
it is soon to speak about gameplay mod,
but it it happens to be possible I have an idea for more difficult modes
-Survival mode (normal difficulty):
=> You can't revive characters at cristals, they stay dead untill the end
=> Auto save at cristals and when a character dies only (no manual save) OR autosave every 5 or 10 minutes too with autosave when a character dies.
=> A recap as a reward in case of a game over, or if the game is finished ( killed ennemies, characters dead: when and where, characters that escaped the prison if the game is finished etc.)
- Hardcore survival: same but in difficult mode
I have no comptences in pragrammation, but if anyone likes the idea and feels able to make it, I'll be glad

Re: Survival mode?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:15 pm
by Myeka
Why autosaving when a character dies? I don't understand the purpose of it.
Re: Survival mode?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:20 pm
by SenSx
Because without autosave when a character dies, the players will only reload to the previous savedgame.
Of course you can force yourself not to, but it won't feel right, the game has to force you not to reload, otherwise it won't be true difficulty.
The save thing is for survival purpose
Re: Survival mode?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:23 pm
by Myeka
And what if i'm saving multiple files? You want them all to be erased when auto-saving? And what the purpose of saving if you can't reload a game? Better not allow any saving at all don't you think? Or just allow auto-saving using crystals.
Re: Survival mode?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:27 pm
by SenSx
Lol without saving are you willing to go throw the whole game at once?
It would be possible to reload, but only the autosave slot, I just want to limit the reload abuses.
I don't know about technical parts so don't ask to me, I don't know if its possible, but in my game I only got one auto save slot, didn't know u could make different slots for autosave, of course such a mode woul need one autosave slot only.
Of course if you are having different game with different teams, would be annoying to have one autosave of a game erasing the other...
Re: Survival mode?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:32 pm
by Myeka
Edit: Nvm I misread your post. You said "no manual saving"

Re: Survival mode?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:38 pm
by SenSx
Right, i didn't mentionned the fact that only one autosave occurs per crystal (first time you touch it) but that's a good idea, it will make think the player twice before touching it.
The other version would inplie an auto save every 5 or 10 minutes, players could abuse auto load its true, but it could also be a disavantage if it saves when the player has difficulties. It would prevent players from having to finish the whole level at once before being able to save again.
Or instead, crystal could always autosave, so that the players will only need to go back to the crystals, but could be annoying too...
Re: Survival mode?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:52 pm
by Jack Dandy
Could be insane. I'd love to see that happen.

Re: Survival mode?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:53 pm
by Myeka
I think you can stick to only auto-save on crystal once (and no auto-save when dying). So the player would hesitate before saving too quickly, and if a character dies (mistake) he will have to do everything all over again from the previous crystal (penalty). So the penalty seems fair regarding the mistake (according to this super hardcore mode).
But I think crystal should resurect the deads. Not because it would be too hardcore otherwise, but because the player will hesitate between "should I reload my game and do all those things again or should I take my chance to the next crystal?". Otherwise, people will just reload a previous game when a character dies. And since you can touch a crystal only once, you have a limited stock of resurection.
Re: Survival mode?
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:02 pm
by SenSx
There are many possibilities to choose, and I really don't know which is the best.
But i really like the fact that you can't resurect party members, it was the idea that made me think of this mod,
I've been looking for game that can make compagnons die without any chance to resurect them, for a more survival feel, it could make the game scarry, and make u feel you are writing your own story, making each game unique.
But will the game be possible with only two characters? or only one? Could it be enjoyable?
If not people would not go on playing knowing there is no chance to succeed...