Killed the last boss what do i do next?

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legends of grimlock
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Killed the last boss what do i do next?

Post by legends of grimlock »

I just killed the undying one on the prison level but I can't figure out what to do next. Killing all the monsters didn't seem to help since they kept coming. Taking the teleporter to The Tomb didn't open up anything. Dropping back down to The Cemetery didn't open up anything also. While trying to teleport back up from there crashes my game with a bunch of lua errors. So I'm stuck and can't figure out where to go next.

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Re: Killed the Undying One what do i do next?

Post by Myeka »

This is a bug. When you kill him you're supposed to see the end game scene :(
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Re: Killed the Undying One what do i do next?

Post by antti »

That seems like a bug. After killing it, there should be an earthquake and then the game should end with a fade-to-white effect.

If possible, could you mail feedback (at) almosthumangames (dot) com (and copypaste your post in the mail body so we remember what it was about) and could you attach a savegame and the error log file to the mail. The savegames and the log should be found in your Documents folder in the "Almost Human\Legend of Grimrock\" subdirectory.

Steven Seagal of gaming industry
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