Awesome work Almost Human, you've made a GREAT game!
Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:25 pm
Well i bought this game as a bit of an impulse buy, I was looking for a relativley cheap game and found this gem (LoG) on steam. The fact that there was a modern dungeon crawler at all was a bit of a surprise and more than enough incentive to fork over $15. And all I can say is that I'm amazed at how well you've managed to put this together, it's been a wonderful experience so far and has brought to mind the great memories i had as a kid playing dungeon hack with my friend.
I guess the feedback i'm giving probably wont be that useful without going into a few specifics, so i'll list a few things here that stand out. First of all, i really enjoy the four member party mechanics for a few reasons. First of all, it's fun being able to experience more than one class of character during a single play through, not to mention it makes combat a bit more stimulating than it otherwise might have been. I also like how this idea actually makes the grid style of play make some sort of sense, in that it explains why the player must move in a grid like manner at all, as well as the fact the player can't jump obstacles etc. it just makes the game style make sense.
Another thing, and i know some people have complained about it, is the control system as far as i am concerned works really well, it's simple and effective, though perhaps maybe not entirely intuitive if one hasn't played a similar game or is a bit rusty (as i was). Once I got use to it (really didn't take very long) I couldn't think of a better way to do it, i enjoy the frantic clicking, trying to time my attacks well while moving around using my left hand.
Now onto something that was intuitive, the puzzles. I've found so far that most of the puzzles (aside from the really early ones which were kind of easy, as they should be) are a bit tricky and take a bit of thought. Having said that the ones i did get stuck on, i actually worked out the solution while doing something else outside of the game (usually eating a sandwhich) rather than trial and error, those are good puzzles.
As far as a few things a bit more superficial, the graphics are good mix of pretty and not requiring a super computer which is great for some one like me that enjoys nice graphics but is playing the game on a laptop. I also think the story was a nice mix of "here's what's going on" and "use your imagination", I like the premise, but i also like its ambiguity. I'd also regret not mentioning the ambience both in terms of graphics and sound is really immersive.
Having said that my major disappointment (if you haven't guessed already by the dungeon hack reference) is that there is no random dungeon generator, that's the sort of thing that could keep me playing LoG for the next decade, which i know is asking alot for $15 :p . Having said that, I wouldn't want a random dungeon generator if i thought your game was terrible, it's just that I've enjoyed it so much so far I don't want the adventure to end, I'm actually playing through kind of slow in order to savor the dungeon i do have
While i'm on this point, I want you guys to know as a customer (i feel like I've totally got my monies worth) I'd be willing to fork out siginifigantly more money than the actual game for a dungeon generator if one was made available as DLC. I'd aslo be willing to pay for additional hand made dungeons if they were made available as DLC. If you did both, i'd probably buy the generator and hand made maps. Something to think about anyway.
Well it seems like it's a wonderful era for indie companies and Almost Human are no exception. Well done guys, I love this game.
I guess the feedback i'm giving probably wont be that useful without going into a few specifics, so i'll list a few things here that stand out. First of all, i really enjoy the four member party mechanics for a few reasons. First of all, it's fun being able to experience more than one class of character during a single play through, not to mention it makes combat a bit more stimulating than it otherwise might have been. I also like how this idea actually makes the grid style of play make some sort of sense, in that it explains why the player must move in a grid like manner at all, as well as the fact the player can't jump obstacles etc. it just makes the game style make sense.
Another thing, and i know some people have complained about it, is the control system as far as i am concerned works really well, it's simple and effective, though perhaps maybe not entirely intuitive if one hasn't played a similar game or is a bit rusty (as i was). Once I got use to it (really didn't take very long) I couldn't think of a better way to do it, i enjoy the frantic clicking, trying to time my attacks well while moving around using my left hand.
Now onto something that was intuitive, the puzzles. I've found so far that most of the puzzles (aside from the really early ones which were kind of easy, as they should be) are a bit tricky and take a bit of thought. Having said that the ones i did get stuck on, i actually worked out the solution while doing something else outside of the game (usually eating a sandwhich) rather than trial and error, those are good puzzles.
As far as a few things a bit more superficial, the graphics are good mix of pretty and not requiring a super computer which is great for some one like me that enjoys nice graphics but is playing the game on a laptop. I also think the story was a nice mix of "here's what's going on" and "use your imagination", I like the premise, but i also like its ambiguity. I'd also regret not mentioning the ambience both in terms of graphics and sound is really immersive.
Having said that my major disappointment (if you haven't guessed already by the dungeon hack reference) is that there is no random dungeon generator, that's the sort of thing that could keep me playing LoG for the next decade, which i know is asking alot for $15 :p . Having said that, I wouldn't want a random dungeon generator if i thought your game was terrible, it's just that I've enjoyed it so much so far I don't want the adventure to end, I'm actually playing through kind of slow in order to savor the dungeon i do have

While i'm on this point, I want you guys to know as a customer (i feel like I've totally got my monies worth) I'd be willing to fork out siginifigantly more money than the actual game for a dungeon generator if one was made available as DLC. I'd aslo be willing to pay for additional hand made dungeons if they were made available as DLC. If you did both, i'd probably buy the generator and hand made maps. Something to think about anyway.
Well it seems like it's a wonderful era for indie companies and Almost Human are no exception. Well done guys, I love this game.