4th dimensional dungeon
4th dimensional dungeon
Will it be possible to create a dungeon changing in time?
Re: 4th dimensional dungeon
what exactly do you mean, for example if you want to make walls looks older and older, it could be the same copy of dungeon but textures are changing, or just multiple dungeons and you are ported by invisible portal so from your eyes it will looks like changed 

Re: 4th dimensional dungeon
Yes, with the difference that you need to go back in time to solve puzzles!
Re: 4th dimensional dungeon
Post number 2 just provided an example of how it could be pulled off... only thing needed is ways ot make the copies of the dungeon look different from a passage of time standpoint.
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Re: 4th dimensional dungeon
Indeed that may work, would be cool to have a dynamic dungeon also. You enter one room then look behind and the corridor you just were in turned into a wall. teheh.
Re: 4th dimensional dungeon
With the map book, wouldn't it be really obvious you're just on another floor?
There's a way around it I guess; depends how the mapbook handles like "floor 99".
There's a way around it I guess; depends how the mapbook handles like "floor 99".
Re: 4th dimensional dungeon
Or disable mapping feature for such level? This should be in modders powers.Drax wrote:With the map book, wouldn't it be really obvious you're just on another floor?
There's a way around it I guess; depends how the mapbook handles like "floor 99".
Re: 4th dimensional dungeon
won't work... you will see that you never were there because the map is empty.Drax wrote:There's a way around it I guess; depends how the mapbook handles like "floor 99".
but on the other side, it don't think you need to keep it secret... because for being intersting, the time travel must be over o long period of time (years at least, so the look of the walls will be different, and more importantly some parts of the tunnels will be slighlty different (for example a corrider won't be collapsed in the past, or a pit will be fulled or a porticulis will get rusted in the future... only if you do some manipulation in the past, like opening a water tap...)
If you choose to make it obvious (better looking wall, runes about flow of time, map named 'past'), it's really easy and is basically two differents levels with almost the same layout.
the only thing i'm not sure is if you can 'skip' levels with stairs (making the player going from level 4 to 6 with one stair)
it not, there is still options, the simpliest one being making a small corridor of one/two tiles between the two stairs in level 5.
or may be, just using teleporters if you can choose the level of destination
another 'fun' enigma with time travel : killing 2 baby ogres in the past will clear a room full of fully grown ogres.
Re: 4th dimensional dungeon
I was more interested in time puzzles, rather than the dungeon changing its look, for example you may have to do something in the past to unlock something in the present, and vicevera. Hope there will be something based on this.
Re: 4th dimensional dungeon
it's my point too...gasgas wrote:I was more interested in time puzzles, rather than the dungeon changing its look, for example you may have to do something in the past to unlock something in the present, and vicevera. Hope there will be something based on this.
like i said : kill monster in the past to prevent them to reproduce, going into a corridor before the ceiling collapse, giving access to the switch behind, painting the Qumquats so Georges washington will cut the tree in order to release the gal in the future