Getting higher res screenshots

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Getting higher res screenshots

Post by gambit37 »

Is there a way of getting screenshots from LOG2 that are higher res than my actual screen? (1920x1080)
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Re: Getting higher res screenshots

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Try virtual resolutions. nVidia for example offers DSR in their video drivers. Once enabled you can select resolutions up to 4 times your actual screen size in the game's options menu.
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Re: Getting higher res screenshots

Post by gambit37 »

Ah wow, I didn't know about DSR. I have a GTX970 which supports it, but it seems Legend of Grimrock isn't a supported game through the Geforce Experience app. :cry:

EDIT: Ignore me! I set DSR ratios anyway, and sure enough LoG can use them (although all the text is tiny!). Nice! :)

Thanks for your help 8-)
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Re: Getting higher res screenshots

Post by Isaac »

That's a cool feature to know about. 8-)

** @gambit37
But I am curious as to why anyone would need screenshots of LoG2 @> 1920x1080 ?
(The only reason I can think of, is to have a higher resolution crop. If it's not the GUI that interests, then it's possible to place a camera anywhere, and screen capture from that.)

Last edited by Isaac on Tue Nov 21, 2017 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Getting higher res screenshots

Post by gambit37 »

Isaac wrote:But I am curious as to why anyone would need screenshots of LoG2 @> 1920x1080 ?
It's a secret ;-)
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Re: Getting higher res screenshots

Post by gambit37 »

Issac, what mod is that screenshot from? I've not seen spiral staircases before!? Do they work?
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Re: Getting higher res screenshots

Post by Komag »

Another reason for high res screen cap is for sharp print media such as a poster, although I think this reason is shrinking every year.

PS - those spiral staircases sure do look cool, but physics-wise they're ridiculous! I guess they could be enchanted somehow ;)
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Re: Getting higher res screenshots

Post by Isaac »

They are an unfinished place holder asset; unreleased. They are missing the central column, and are using the castle column as a placeholder.

*They sort of work; and have worked (at different stages of development), but I don't know if they currently work. I remember wanting to change the way they worked (to a different method—using animated paths, but at the time (and still) I didn't see how).
This is a project from a good while back that I shelved until I had more time for it... and then didn't re-visit it. :o

Yesterday's ORRR3 update had me looking through old mods and experiments, to see what I still have. These stairs are stackable, and scripted to adjust to the presence of others above or below. the player is supposed to be able to jump off the two middle sides as well as the top & bottom. I hope to finish these—without special side effects or map considerations.

These stairs and a custom bridge are both something I'd like to fit into the ORRR3.
**Update: Looking (just now) over the original map, it's very different from what I remember. The current incarnation of the stairs script that I have, is different than I remember, and definitely needs work; but I can show a just a bit of it.

VIDEO: ... t.avi?dl=0

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