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Xeen's cronicles
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 2:51 pm
by Badgert
Xeen's cronicles (volume 1)
Ominous thunderstorms are gathering over Xeen again.The Head of the Dragon Circle, Savergos, is calling all brave and resolute inhabitants of the planet for help.
A hero is needed to restore the destroyed portal to the Dark Side (or to find another one), to follow through it and solve the problem once and forever.
Will you sit back behind the walls of a tavern or will you follow his call?
It's an adventure in an open world for the beginning level party (it's strongly desireable to have a mage in your group).
A lot of new territories, castles and dungeons are available. Deadly enemies and traps are waiting.
Puzzles and conundrums (most of them are not very difficult), great amount of secret places and mysteries.
Renewed system of spells. Several new spells.
There's a possibility to communicate with the key NPCs and a trade system.
For stable operation of the mod, you must install 4GBpatch
68 new locations
130+ hidden hiding places and treasures
24 boss battles
v 1.1
I will be glad to see your advice and comments.
Re: Xeen's cronicles
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 6:41 pm
by Zo Kath Ra
What's up with dialogue option 1 ?
Did you forget to translate the text from Russian (?)
Re: Xeen's cronicles
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 7:18 pm
by Badgert
I'm sorry. There should be a string - "Maybe we'll be able to restore it."
My fault - hurried ...
Re: Xeen's cronicles
Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 2:58 am
by RacerX
Great, look forward to explore...
Re: Xeen's cronicles
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:00 am
by Banaora
Hi Badgert,
I'm having a look at your mod and so far I am enjoying my journey.
One thing I didn't like was that my mage can't use the spells when he carries the spell scrolls around in a container instead of having them directly on his body.
Btw I just cleared the cemetery so you know how far in I am.
Re: Xeen's cronicles
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:27 am
by Torst
I've made a mistake
with the barn key.Found him but use him before i get the quest in the tavern
Re: Xeen's cronicles
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:54 am
by Badgert
I have already been informed about the problem with the scrolls. Alas, I do not know how to technically make the ability to use scrolls from bags and boxes.
Thanks for the feedback. Hope you like new adventures!
to Torst
No mistake, the keys can be used at any time.
Re: Xeen's cronicles
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 3:06 pm
by Zo Kath Ra
Badgert wrote: ↑Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:54 am
I have already been informed about the problem with the scrolls. Alas, I do not know how to technically make the ability to use scrolls from bags and boxes.
Code: Select all
name = "party",
baseObject = "party",
components = {
class = "Party",
onCastSpell = function(self, champion, spell)
-- only cast "spell" if the champion has a "scroll_spell" in their inventory (search recursively through containers)
for i = 1, ItemSlot.MaxSlots do
local item = champion:getItem(i)
if item then
-- item is the correct spell scroll
if == "scroll_" .. spell then
return true
-- item is a container
if item.go.containeritem and script_entity_1.script.containsItem(item, "scroll_" .. spell) then
return true
hudPrint(champion:getName() .. " needs to have the spell scroll on him to be able to cast it")
return false
Code: Select all
function containsItem(container, name)
local containerItem = container.go.containeritem
for i = 1, containerItem:getCapacity() do
local item = containerItem:getItem(i)
if item then
-- item is of type "name"
if == name then
return true
-- item is a container
if item.go.containeritem and containsItem(item, name) then
return true
return false
In Xeen's Chronicles, you have to put onCastSpell() in mod_assets/zim_assets/zim_party.lua instead of init.lua
zim_party.lua currently has two definitions for onCastSpell()
No idea if both are called or if the second replaces the first one.
Re: Xeen's cronicles
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 4:25 pm
by Banaora
Hey Zo Kath Ra,
in script_entity_1 wouldn't you have to use ContainerItemComponent:getCapacity() instead of getItemCount()?
My thinking is that getItemCount() only works reliably if you always organize your bags from the top down.
I don't know for sure so it's a real question and not a rhetorical one.
Anyway, good work with the scripts.
Re: Xeen's cronicles
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 4:29 pm
by Zo Kath Ra
Banaora wrote: ↑Thu Jan 17, 2019 4:25 pm
Hey Zo Kath Ra,
in script_entity_1 wouldn't you have to use ContainerItemComponent:getCapacity() instead of getItemCount()?
My thinking is that getItemCount() only works reliably if you always organize your bags from the top down.
I don't know for sure so it's a real question and not a rethorical one.
Anyway, good work with the scripts.
You're absolutely right, thanks for the heads-up.
I've changed it and now the code should work perfectly