how do you create ledges

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how do you create ledges

Post by ders360 »

I am trying to make a cliff overlooking the beach but the walls of the cliff are invisible and I can't jump down
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Re: how do you create ledges

Post by Isaac »

Just off the top [as it were]...
Ensure that the ceiling over the beach is higher than the top of your cliff edge.
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Re: how do you create ledges

Post by ders360 »

it is
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Re: how do you create ledges

Post by ders360 »

the map hight is 7 in preferences and the tiles are 4 high ceiling with the floor being 1
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Re: how do you create ledges

Post by Isaac »

Map Height (in the level properties) is not for that; it affects tile height, and should usually be set to 3; the Castle tiles need a map height of 4, because the walls of the models are taller.

The tile [floor & ceiling] elevations can be from -7 to 7; with 0 as the default.

Making a cliffside is possible, but it's non-standard terrain for this game; there are no elevation walls for the beach —[AFAIK].
(But there are for the Forest tiles.) Beach wall tile places its model on elevation zero; so they won't position level with a cliff top; you'd have to move them by script if you use them.

For the base elevation map, it is simplest to leave the Ocean at elevation zero, and raise the cliffs. Ensure that the beach ceiling heights are higher than the cliff-top floor heights, and the party will be able to step off the ledge, and fall to the beach.
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Re: how do you create ledges

Post by ders360 »

I am using the forest tiles because it leads to a forest. I found a thing called forest edge but don't know how to get it working

ps I moved on to a different section in the meantime but I have the same problem I am trying to build a lake that gets gradually deeper but the walls are missing and you fall thew the floor there is no water also but I think I just need a water surface object
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Re: how do you create ledges

Post by ders360 »

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Re: how do you create ledges

Post by Pompidom »

I understand that the whole tile placement can be confusing at first. Nothing wrong with that. Missing walls or not and stuff like that.
It took me a while myself experimenting with every single tile before I grasped it all myself. We're here to learn from eachother and encourage eachother to create enjoyable mods. But looking at your screenshots (which give me a headache) it's clear you're not progressing at all in basic understandings of the editor's tile placement. Now and then somebody stumbles in this forum, starts a mod and instantly wants to create a map with multiple elevations but never grasps the basic fundamentals of tile placement and then simply gives up.
If you can't even use or understand the basic functions of the editor, ask yourself the question if it's all worth it.
You're slow at understanding the editor, so it's time to change your approach instead of just going in blind.


1. Time to start from scratch, watch the youtube tutorials so you can teach yourself the basics.
2. Create some test maps with every single tile on multiple elevations to see the end results for yourself. This will teach you which default tile will give you walls or a ceiling and which won't.
3. The object you're probably looking for is forest_elevation_edge. Also make sure you place it on the correct height.
Some tiles will place this object as walls automatically. or simply create custom tiles like Skugg mentioned.
4. Research! Download every single mod out there which has the editor files available and simply inspect how it's done by looking at other editor file mods.
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Re: how do you create ledges

Post by ders360 »

That's what I am trying to do I just whant to figure out how to use the map editer the problem being there is vary little info out there
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Re: how do you create ledges

Post by ders360 »

Thank you for the resorses

I know the pictures look tairebl it took me 5 minutes to crate something other than a grass feald with a square pond in the midle
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