So far I have come up with this list.
Top priority
- no possibility to save but crystals
- nerf the door trick (monster would attack immediately upon lifting the doors?)
- somewhat balance out the infamous 2x2 tactics (any ideas are welcomed)
- starving characters take minor damage periodically
- crystals are 1 use only ressurect-wise (optional iron man mode where crystals have only saving purpose)
Middle priority
- darkness is darker

- darken or completely remove the illumination spell (it renders torches completely useless save for few spots if a mage is present in a group)
- poison and disease are permanent (currently there is no point in using potions for them at all, they can be rested out... poison damage would have to be lowered though and poisoned character would receive no hp from resting). Due to some initial confusion: yes, poison and disease can still be cured by potions, that's the point of this change. To make these potions useful.
Low priority
- weapon durability with no possibility of repairing but it would take some time for a weapon to break
- removing infinite food spawns completely (this would impose sort of time challenge on players with starving dealing damage so either add more food or make it optional)
The point is to have the HC mode, not the impossible to finish the game mode, so certain things will need to be thoroughly discussed.
The list will be kept up to date.