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[WIP] Legend of Island

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:36 pm
by Willigamer
Beta version not available


Here we are, I've never really had a chance to talk about it for the main reason that I know it was going to take a lot of my time to do it, but I'm taking the plunge...

I present to you what looks like my very first mod created by me: Legend of Island ! I wouldn't really be able to tell you when I started it exactly, because it's been a long time now... I'd say... the mod is almost 6 years old or something like that. Don't worry about that, I haven't been working on it for 6 years nonstop, I had a lot of breaks mainly due to my studies where I couldn't devote much time to it and even today for other priorities. But I have had enough time to make progress, a lot of progress...

≡ Description ≡
Four adventurers run around on an island following a loss of control of the boat due to perturbing element. The next day, the four survivors find themselves lost on a beach where they will have to survive and find a way to leave this mysterious island, what will they discover? What will be the challenges that nobody has actually known? Our adventurers are not at the end of their surprises.

Dive into a new adventure on the Island of Nex... but from another angle... I proposes to you to relive the adventure of Legend of Grimrock 2 in the same theme of the story with sames maps but 100% reworked, with many assets, as well as 7 new uniques maps added compared to the vanilla version. A number of options will be offered before you start the game.

Don’t expect new environments or decorations, the mod is more focused on fighting, from now on, they will be a little more interesting than in the vanilla version. If you were looking more for a mod with a new story or new environments, I advise you to forget this mod ! :arrow:
The new skills, special attacks, new spells, new classes, new monsters skills, new improvements, new combos will allow you to vary the fighting even more and to be able to do intriguing and amazing attack sequences. Choose your stats and skills well from the beginning of the adventure and during. Your statistics can have a HUGE impact during your game, think carefully. The new additions will be more located towards the half of the game, the beginning remains rather focused on the vanilla side of the game.
I really try to make it as balanced as possible and make every monsters/items/levels interesting and varied.

≡ Main Infos ≡
- 36 stages/levels in total for you to explore
- ~15hours (without finishing 100% this mod)
- 14 bossfights & waves monsters with significantly increased difficulty (+4 secret bosses)
- 100 secrets to find !
- 5 elements to recreate !
- 12 monuments of places to know (new)
> Difficulty : the difficulty level has been completely reworked for a better immersion in the fights. No matter what difficulty you choose when creating your party, a difficulty option will appear at the very beginning of your adventure
> Puzzle & Traps : puzzles/traps are very important and regular elements in this mod, some are taken from grimrock 1 and a bit from grimrock 2, others are inspired on other stories, and the rest are news. Even though there are many puzzles, they are generally well positioned in the adventure: the more you progress in your adventure, complex and harder the puzzles/riddles you will encounter
> "Freedom Game" : at times, you may find that you can explore several levels at once. At other times, you will be forced to move forward without any area to explore.

Some Simples ScreenShoots :)

Maybe more screenshoots soon...

≡ Main Features ≡
  • Environments
    3 added tilesets
    +300 new elements (sets, objects, etc...)
    +45 new sounds effects and noises
    16 new musics (levels and bosses)
    daylight also changes in lower levels !
  • Items
    all throwing weapons and ammos can be enchanted !
    +180 new items with some new specials attacks (weapons, firearms, throwings, accessories)
    +86 new spells (by Andak Rainor, Minqmay & myself)
    18 new potions with 2 new herbs
    10 new armors bonuses
    2 new unique tomes
  • Monsters
    30 new monsters (from LoG1, ZimberZimber & myself)
    7 new skills monsters
    5 new conditions monsters

≡ GUI & Systems Features ≡
  • Skillpoints Levels : That was one of the priorities for me, I was tired of seeing that you could max out a skill starting at level 5. When you're going to level up one of your skills, you'll now have a character level requirement to be able to level up a skill, so that you can slowly progress as your game progresses without it getting in the way
  • Monuments Secrets : monuments are a very small novelty of this mod. They are old texts that can be found in the main areas of the mod's history. Each monument found allows you to learn a little more about the different stories that took place on this island (like a codex) and allows you to get crystals shards in exchange
  • New items stats & bonuses : 10 new stats that your party can get as bonuses and updates in the stats window for each of your characters !
  • New unique shields systems : (inspired from shield item system by ZimberZimber) no more shields that give you evasion bonus when you equip one. To make the shields more realistic, they will now give you two new shield stats !
  • New & improves difficulty : i don't want this to be misinterpreted, in order to have many experiences through this mod, new difficulties have been added such as Survival and Nightmare to have a variety of fights
  • New unique hub, conversations-infos & travel node (by Minqmay) : no more a room full of teleporters taking you to the four corners of this mod, Minmay's specially designed travel system will allow you to teleport into each specific level as you wish from a single point. A spirit will contact you to give you some quick tips and information during your trip aswell
  • Improvement of the main systems of the items : with all these new items, stats and bonuses, all items in the game have been reworked to adhere to the new features
  • New tutorial system : with these few new features, a tutorial option has been proposed to you from the beginning of the adventure in order to better understand the new features of this mod

≡ Others Systems in Progress ≡
> Improvements to the main systems of the monsters : some monsters will have a slightly revised brain, as well as their complete stats from their attributes to their actions and attacks will also evolve depending on the level of the monster and the difficulty mode chosen by the player.
> New upgrade spells systems : inspired by the Magic Grimrock mod and most of these spells present, each spell learned will have bonuses to make each spell more interesting and powerful to compete against your enemies. Unlockable from a certain level, you will be able to look the upgrade window in order to choose the best bonuses for your spells according to the way you play
> New recipe & upgrade alchemy systems : as a result of the new potions, herbs and recipe requirements learned, a brand new alchemy interface can be used with the mortar to make potions, bombs and other crazy effects. inspired in part by Magic of Grimrock again and the game Dragon Age Inquisition, the potions will also have bonuses and upgrades to unlock through specific scrolls & a new upgrade potions window !
> Interface GuI notes/scrolls : for aesthetic purposes, the notes found can be read directly on a clean interface window, except for the letters.
> Weather System : i'm not sure if I should add it yet as it could take up a lot of resources and fps on your pc and the game. But for more immersive open air levels, I have been thinking for a while about creating a random and automatic weather system, to constantly avoid the sun and the moon. (this would also create new atmospheres in the levels)
> Quest System : the quests would be optional (available on the first level), you can still play this mod without using the quests. This is a GUI system where you can see your available quests, levels where you are stopped to explore or search for specific things/treasures. These quests all have the objective of allowing you to finish the game and get a little closer to a 100% finished game. On the other hand, and most people will be a bit disappointed by this, the quests you complete will not give you anything in exchange, to avoid too big an imbalance between your party and monsters for example.
> Systems Language : this will probably not be available in the first official release of this mod, it will take a lot of time and resources to achieve this...

Quick Credits

I'm not going to make a full list at the moment, for the simple reason that it's unnecessary in this context
Skuggasveinn :
- Videos Editors Tutorials
- Winter Tileset
- Modular River

Minqmay :
- MinAssets (items, spells, travel node, objects)
- help on some scripts

Andak Rainor :
- SpellsPack (new spells, systems spells, conditions, items spells)
- insert Lindworm boss fight system
- Alchemy (update mortar, recipes)
- help on some scripts

ZimberZimber :
- ZimAssets (monsters, objects, conditions)
- help on some scripts

John Wordsworth :
- GrimTK (note texts, statue texts, information texts)
- katana item

Daniv & Sutekh :
- Deep Dungeon Tileset (converted by Prozail)

Mutman :
- Runebook

AdrTru :
- Liquid Potions

The mod or at least the beta version is still not available yet, I still have a lot of elements and systems to work on and see for this mod. The project is currently in "temporary stop", I have other priorities at the moment but you will be informed of the major progress of this mod in the various news ;)

Info : This topic will certainly be modified and improved over time

Re: [WIP] Legend of Island

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 12:50 pm
by hyteria
look great ! good job willigamer ! ;)

Re: [WIP] Legend of Island

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 1:16 pm
by andyroosta
Look forward to trying it!

Re: [WIP] Legend of Island

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:32 pm
by Kirill
How to download it?

Re: [WIP] Legend of Island

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 5:55 pm
by Willigamer
Kirill wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:32 pm How to download it?
Oh sh*t ! This is perhaps the first thing I should have mentioned, why I didn't explain it before! :lol: I will add it in the presentation of the mod.

The mod or at least the beta version is still not available yet, I still have a lot of elements and systems to work on and see for this mod. The project is currently in "temporary stop", because I have other priorities at the moment and I work on another LoG2 mod from time to time with an another modder, so it's a bit complicated for me to progress properly on this one. Don't worry, you will be informed of the major progress of this mod in the various news ;)

Speaking of which, I have decided to work on various release points for the beta version, it just allows me to keep track of the progress of my work :
#Step 1, called "First Step" (we are here at the moment :lol:) >
addition of the first 8 levels almost completed
finalisation of new GUI systems, items, party and monsters

#Step 2, called "Hidden Treasures" >
7 others levels to add
(approximately midway point through the mod and the game)

#Step 3, called "Live to Survive" >
12 others levels to add
(probably the most work on finishing these levels)

#Step 4, called "Ultimate Height" >
last 9 others levels to add and the end
check components, systems, gui, etc.
:arrow: first official release of the mod (V. 1.0.0)
I'm thinking of doing some presentations of the new features of my mod here as well :)

Re: [WIP] Legend of Island

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 10:00 pm
by Willigamer
I'm back here a bit, while the mod continues to take shape and share these new features. I wanted to tell you about some of this contents that is new in this mod and I wanted to explain now the two new classes and two new skills to give you some infos when you creating your party on this mod.

I'm constantly trying to create and improve skills, classes and races so that there is as much balance as possible and so that there are many interesting choices to make when you start the game. Of course, I know that it's not easy to get all the skills/traits balanced properly and that the mod will be a little bit far from perfect on that point, so I'm working on it as much as I can and I'm paying a lot of attention to it.
All classes, races and the vast majority of traits have been modified and tried (as best as possible) to be more interesting to use and play with.

» About New Classes :
There will be 2 new types of wizards: warlock and priest. I really wanted to emphasize this point due to the diversity of spells and mage talents, I felt obliged to create various types of wizards, including these 3 (with the classic wizard) which will not have exactly the same particularities (it's more or less the same for the fighter, the barbarian and the thief for example).
  • Wizard : vanilla wizard is now "versatile", allowing to vary many spells by playing a lot on these energy bonuses and to adapt a bit in all styles of magic
  • Priest : the priest is more based on aether magic and healing bonuses to his allies. He isn't so much a fan of destructive magic but more for helping the party by giving them various bonuses
  • Warlock : he is the opposite of a priest: based on offensive spells and raw power, he has various bonuses on his spell effects. I'm still trying to find some interesting bonuses for him ;)

» About New Skills:
I also don't have many new skills in the skill column list, I wanted to avoid at all costs useless skills based on stats step up or surplus traits based on other skills or whatever... So these are based on new features.
  • Shield : with the new damage blocking stats, shields have a skill column for all these things. Based on the defence according to the attack power of the enemy and the type of shield equipped
  • Aether : the broadest skill column of all, offering lots of small bonuses and advantages for the party. This column can be used for any type of characters class, each skillpoint can give interesting bonuses to the characters, but it's also the column that has the most levels required to obtain them. In addition to these various bonuses, it also allows you to unlock spells based on aether magic for wizards

That's all for these things, feel free to tell me what you think :)
I think I will talk about shields for next time if you want to know more, however, I'd like to remind you that this information may very well spoiler you on the full discovery of the mod features.