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[MOD] The Treasury - Finished
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 12:11 am
by Glew
Hi All!
edit: After some testing (thanks a LOT leewroy!!!) I now consider the mod finished. It is published on Steam and Nexus.
Nexus link:
Steam link: ... 2839933549
Feedback is welcome!
I can't believe, but after about 7 years or so, I have finished my second mod. This is much bigger and more complex than my first mod "Room Escape" ( ... ape#p65839).
Play testers would be welcome as well as any constructive feedback. I have tried to test it as much as possible, but there are still probably some bugs and issues I missed.
I am most worried about the combat, because I am not sure it is balanced at all.
The premise of the dungeon is that you are on a heist job, trying to steal as many treasures as possible. But for this you will have to bypass many traps and puzzles. Some of the treasure is also hidden behind secrets.
Here is the Nexus link
Re: [MOD] The Treasury - TESTERS needed
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 7:35 pm
by leewroy
Hey, dude.
I'll play it. But it will take a while to start, cause I'mplaying another mod right now, and I have to say I barely started it.
I'll let you know once I start playing and have something to tell about it.

Re: [MOD] The Treasury - TESTERS needed
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2022 11:40 pm
by Glew
Thanks a lot!
Re: [MOD] The Treasury - TESTERS needed
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2022 8:13 pm
by leewroy
Well, I have to say this module was a great surprise to me. I could not imagine that after more than 10 years, someone would bring some fresh new ideas over LoG 1!
Some really cool and different ideas for puzzles. A dungeon well balanced for a level 1 party,
a must play! I had a great time testing and playing it
I hope that a lot of people gives a try and I'm sure people will love it too.
Thanks for this great dungeon, Glew, I'll be looking for the next one (If you'have plans for it)

Re: [MOD] The Treasury - TESTERS needed
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2022 2:59 am
by Glew
leewroy wrote: ↑Tue Jul 19, 2022 8:13 pm
Well, I have to say this module was a great surprise to me. I could not imagine that after more than 10 years, someone would bring some fresh new ideas over LoG 1!
Some really cool and different ideas for puzzles. A dungeon well balanced for a level 1 party,
a must play! I had a great time testing and playing it
I hope that a lot of people gives a try and I'm sure people will love it too.
Thanks for this great dungeon, Glew, I'll be looking for the next one (If you'have plans for it)
Thanks for the relentless testing, it helped me a TON.
In case you are interested in my earlier mod, here is the forum link
viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6255&p=65839&hilit ... ape#p65839 (I am going to add it to the master post too)
Re: [MOD] The Treasury - Finished
Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 10:19 pm
by Glew
Making a new post to "bump" the thread, not that the forums are super active lately
Anyway, I updated the master post. the mod is now finished and properly published. Links in first post.
Re: [MOD] The Treasury - Finished
Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:18 am
by ratman
Mod seems good so far! I am currently on the Maze level, is it worth restarting with the new update?
Re: [MOD] The Treasury - Finished
Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 5:14 pm
by Glew
ratman wrote: ↑Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:18 am
Mod seems good so far! I am currently on the Maze level, is it worth restarting with the new update?
Hi! I am glad you like it. I think I made a few things more user friendly and straightforward in the last version. As far as I know, no game-breaking bugs are there in 1.7 so it should be fine.
Because there are several secrets and different endings I think there is some replayability to the mod, so maybe if you feel like playing it again you can play the latest version then.
Also if you run into any issues on the version you are playing you can let me know and I will try to help

Re: [MOD] The Treasury - Finished
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 5:11 pm
by ratman
I am a little stuck in the Maze area.
I have cleared the Poisoned Halls (I think- there is the healing crystal behind the portcullis that I can't figure out how to get at.) I have also found 'find the e' and other clues like 'is sentence an' but don't know what to do with them.
Thanks for any help!
Re: [MOD] The Treasury - Finished
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 11:32 pm
by Glew
Hi! Hm I am a little confused how you managed to get to the next area then.
I guess you must have found the flaming sword in the maze, right? If not, please let me know how you got to the Poisoned Halls, because there might be a bug?
The way the maze works is
You have to find the flaming sword. then the hint is to "follow the sowrds", meaning you need to always chose the path that has a statue holding a sowrd near you. If you follow this path, and read the writings on the walls, the solution becomes apparent.
The solution, which I think you might have stumbled upon is
you must hit a certain wall witha fireball and then a secret door opens
For the question about the crystal:
Remember that torch-holders can act as trigers

This is important in more than one place.