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To Petri, Peeba and Juho...

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:25 pm
by Nukkus
For the past month and a half I have tried my best to contact you guys, be it through the official contact email, forum PM's, steam and the like, all in the interest of reviewing Legend of Grimrock on my humble site. Having been completely ignored throughout the entire process, I do firmly believe that you guys at least owe me an explanation as to why you have chosen to simply give me the silent treatment. Slipgate Central may be a small site, however it is prides itself on giving fair and unbiased reviews on all indie titles big and small. Even if we aren't big and fancy enough for your tastes the least you guys could have done is to say "sorry, not interested", rather than just go the route of ignorance. I had been eagerly anticipating Legend of Grimrock since it's initial announcement, as this genre is sorely lacking in decent entries as of late. I am still willing to give it a full and honest review, if you are willing to give me a chance.

Re: To Petri, Peeba and Juho...

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:30 pm
by Darklord
Hi Nukkus,

The AH guys have been very busy answering MANY emails and other forms of communication as well of course working on the game, so they probably haven't had chance to get in touch with everyone who has contacted them! :)


Re: To Petri, Peeba and Juho...

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:34 pm
by Goffmog
Nukkus wrote:For the past month and a half I have tried my best to contact you guys, be it through the official contact email, forum PM's, steam and the like, all in the interest of reviewing Legend of Grimrock on my humble site. Having been completely ignored throughout the entire process, I do firmly believe that you guys at least owe me an explanation as to why you have chosen to simply give me the silent treatment. Slipgate Central may be a small site, however it is prides itself on giving fair and unbiased reviews on all indie titles big and small. Even if we aren't big and fancy enough for your tastes the least you guys could have done is to say "sorry, not interested", rather than just go the route of ignorance. I had been eagerly anticipating Legend of Grimrock since it's initial announcement, as this genre is sorely lacking in decent entries as of late. I am still willing to give it a full and honest review, if you are willing to give me a chance.
Huh, I sent them a congratulations email after they went gold and got a nice reply back. Maybe you're just not engaging enough a person. Or maybe you're someone they'd never heard of asking for a free copy of the game ;)

Re: To Petri, Peeba and Juho...

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:02 pm
by Loktofeit
Nukkus wrote:For the past month and a half I have tried my best to contact you guys, be it through the official contact email, forum PM's, steam and the like, all in the interest of reviewing Legend of Grimrock on my humble site. Having been completely ignored throughout the entire process, I do firmly believe that you guys at least owe me an explanation as to why you have chosen to simply give me the silent treatment. Slipgate Central may be a small site, however it is prides itself on giving fair and unbiased reviews on all indie titles big and small. Even if we aren't big and fancy enough for your tastes the least you guys could have done is to say "sorry, not interested", rather than just go the route of ignorance. I had been eagerly anticipating Legend of Grimrock since it's initial announcement, as this genre is sorely lacking in decent entries as of late. I am still willing to give it a full and honest review, if you are willing to give me a chance.
Out of curiosity, what is preventing you from doing the review?

Re: To Petri, Peeba and Juho...

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:04 pm
by dazman76
Loktofeit wrote:Out of curiosity, what is preventing you from doing the review?
This is a very good question :)

Re: To Petri, Peeba and Juho...

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:18 pm
by Nukkus
It's all good now, got an email from Juho, it seems my emails DID get lost in the havoc surrounding the launch as Darklord suggested. Stay tuned for my review :)

Re: To Petri, Peeba and Juho...

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:24 pm
by Darklord
Nice one! :)


Re: To Petri, Peeba and Juho...

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:35 pm
by gambit37
Well, the OP did say he's been trying for a month and a half. The game has only been out a week. So yes, he could go right ahead and review it now on a retail version, but I think the point he's making is that he wanted a pre-release copy to review, but feels that the team ignored him because his site was too small.

I can't speak for them, but from what I can tell, the Almost HUman team are good guys are they don't deliberately ignore people. Either they they have been too busy to reply to all enquiries, or perhaps they didn't get your emails? Stuff can get blacklisted at server level and may not have reached them and you wouldn't necessarily know about it, because the person sending the email often doesn't get informed about blacklisted mail services.

EDIT: Ar, just saw new posts came in while I was typing this. Glad you got it sorted :-)

Re: To Petri, Peeba and Juho...

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:55 pm
by Kthanid
Nukkus wrote:It's all good now, got an email from Juho, it seems my emails DID get lost in the havoc surrounding the launch as Darklord suggested. Stay tuned for my review :)
Given the tone of your initial post, I don't think an apology would be too far out of line. Is there any particular reason you felt the need to sign up for the forum just to pitch such a childish tantrum? It certainly doesn't do you any benefits from the perspective of advertising for your site, as you have assuredly annoyed and soured your image in the eyes of a non-zero number of gamers (myself included).

I'll be the first to admit, the AH guys are a more understandable and thick-skinned group of guys than myself; had I been on the dev team and read your little rant I certainly wouldn't have given you a copy for review after that little display of childishness. If you really want to be a part of the gaming industry (particularly in the realm of indies) you might want to accept the fact that things can get chaotic surrounding a release, particularly for a small, overworked development team.

TL;DR - Actions have consequences, you should consider how people are going to react to the way you behave.

Re: To Petri, Peeba and Juho...

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:39 pm
by t0tem
Get off him. He was pissed, he's not anymore. And anyway it's between him and the devs.