Thank you for making this game

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Thank you for making this game

Post by Renevent »

I am so glad someone decided to take a chance and make an old school dungeon crawl like this. I grew up playing a lot of older RPG's from SSI (others too) and Legend of Grimrock looks like it will capture a lot of that old school RPG magic.

Anyways wish you guys great luck on your upcoming release, and hope you get filthy rich so you can make even more RPG's like this.


In the even you guys do become filthy rich, how about other old school RPG designs like high quality turn based RPG's? Something like Darksun or even Temple of Elemental Evil? Yes please :D
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Re: Thank you for making this game

Post by Sinshine »

well, well.... I have waiting for this game for years, recently i been going through eye of the beholder series, just to get a taste of the genre/style again,....... but you kow what made me put this on a 'to buy' list?.
I saw a post on reddit that had a disabled dude who could only play games with a mouth-stick, after asking how the ui would be set up, it was clear he would not be able to play the game, so what did the dev's do? ....added options to the ui.
Now that my friends is humanity at its best, and these guys fully deserve our support in this project.
well done guys, im drooling with anticipation for the release.
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Re: Thank you for making this game

Post by Isaac »

Sinshine wrote:...
I remember that from the blog.

This game topped my 'Must Buy' list as soon as I saw the first video.
(And as soon as I made this comparison): ... ders-1.jpg
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Re: Thank you for making this game

Post by Alaric »

Like the original poster said, thank you for making this game! :)

Unlike the original poster, I beg you to not remake ToEE. It was a terrible game, and I wish I never bought it. :x
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Re: Thank you for making this game

Post by Isaac »

Alaric wrote:Like the original poster said, thank you for making this game! :)

Unlike the original poster, I beg you to not remake ToEE. It was a terrible game, and I wish I never bought it. :x
My gosh, its the best D&D 3.5 game ever made; nothing compares to its combat system. The NPCs were cool (and unexpected). The only problem I had with ToEE was that their publisher forbade them to release their 2nd patch for known issues. I have the GoG installer and two retail CD versions. Add the "Circle of 8" mod and its (even more) fantastic... Granted its all personal preference, but what about ToEE disappointed you?
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Re: Thank you for making this game

Post by Liljagare »

I still play Dungeon Master on EMU's so, needless to say, looking forward to this..
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Re: Thank you for making this game

Post by Renevent »

Yeah ToEE is amazing...I have a few copies actually but do have the version as well. That version + Co8 mod is excellent stability/bug wise. Even has a utility to support higher resolutions and things like that. The game was released in pretty crappy state though (bugs), so can see why people might have a negative impression of the game.

Doesn't really matter though, when I say remake it of course I just mean the concept...which is tactical turn/party based combat...isometric view...exploring a deep and interesting combat options...great character development...awesome artwork...things like that!
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Re: Thank you for making this game

Post by darkplant »

Since Anvil of Dawn I haven't seen a game like this. Yes, there are "first person", real 3D dungeon crawl games like Wizardry 8 but that's another level, kinda ruins what Dungeon Master and Eye of the Beholder started in the previous century. I'm happy to see this game around the corner and will order it as soon as possible. Thank you for making this for us.
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