Your single favorite character.

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King Semos
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Your single favorite character.

Post by King Semos »

So I've done a lot of messing around on Grimrock. Making new parties, trying different things out with the races, classes and skill sets. Anyway, after multiple play through's I found each different party had a "favourite" character in the party.

So I would like to see other people's single favourite character they have created. Pictures are appreciated.

Mine would be my Minotaur Fighter Arul. Unarmed, Light Armored. Had a lot of fun with him, he was the toughest and most damaging member of the group.

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Re: Your single favorite character.

Post by Spathi »

+1 Minotaur with light armour

with a strength/energy depleting weapon = mace

Minotaur Monk/Cleric would be cool if they add new classes

Sick and crazy Unarmed skill! How much damage does Unarmed do?
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Re: Your single favorite character.

Post by Exiled »

Spathi wrote: Sick and crazy Unarmed skill! How much damage does Unarmed do?
Look at the stats? 90/56

I don't really have my favourite character so far. Maybe after longer playtime i'll get to an opinion. But i think one of my frontline guys, as they have consistent damage and aren't limited to energy or projectiles number.
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Re: Your single favorite character.

Post by Jordan »

90/56 is pretty intimidating, nice!
Stats during the end battle

1 2
3 4*
Borrak's position

Borrak was so named after clicking on the generate name button dozens of times and giving up trying to find use something else. I think I spend more time trying to name my party with the feature than the rest of the character creation combined. I really need to think up some names pre-creation, I may even do some light RP.

On my second playthrough I opted to swap my mage for a minotaur rogue after reading threads on the forum expressing their virtues, I wasn't dissapointed. My next challenge is to spend time developing a more potent mage than I had during my first game. The minotaur was a real asset, particularly in later levels with the bonuses received in the throwing weapons skill. I found myself having to restrain Borrak at times as he was mashing everything and the other party members were losing valuable xp.

On reflection Borrak was the most essential member of the troop, having never died, hitting everything when instructed and with a very high damage output he outshone the others. He was also the only one not to whine about being overburdened. I will definately be bringing one of his brothers/sisters along next time. I have many many more playthroughs ahead of me before I create a truly exceptional party, much to learn and that is the fun part.

It would be great to see some more chraracters from players, particularly those that RP.
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King Semos
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Re: Your single favorite character.

Post by King Semos »

Jordan wrote: On my second playthrough I opted to swap my mage for a minotaur rogue after reading threads on the forum expressing their virtues, I wasn't dissapointed. My next challenge is to spend time developing a more potent mage than I had during my first game. The minotaur was a real asset, particularly in later levels with the bonuses received in the throwing weapons skill. I found myself having to restrain Borrak at times as he was mashing everything and the other party members were losing valuable xp.

On reflection Borrak was the most essential member of the troop, having never died, hitting everything when instructed and with a very high damage output he outshone the others. He was also the only one not to whine about being overburdened. I will definately be bringing one of his brothers/sisters along next time. I have many many more playthroughs ahead of me before I create a truly exceptional party, much to learn and that is the fun part.
Nice rogue. Throwing rogues are awesome, and Minotaurs seem very suited to throwing axes in my mind. 2x 66, yeah I can definitely see him killing weaker mobs like Scavengers in one volley no problem.
Spathi wrote: Sick and crazy Unarmed skill! How much damage does Unarmed do?
Unarmed does really good damage. I've used it on two different characters so far, one fighter and one rogue. My good hits at level 14 were doing just over 200. But its very fast, you get probably somewhere around speed "20" because it seems to be faster than most daggers. I highly suggest anyone trying it, the skill set has great health and evasion bonuses for anyone in the front of the formation.
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Re: Your single favorite character.

Post by Bees »

Funny, my favorite was also an unarmed Minotaur fighter, though I invested in heavy armor and stuck her in the armor of valor. Tipsy was slightly unoptimal... on my first playthrough with her, I did not find the pit fighter gloves, I didn't find the helm of valor, I did not use a shield because I thought it would compromise my damage, and through save/load shenanigans I lost track of one of my skulls. Oh well, there's always next time. Tipsy swears she will return for revenge.
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Re: Your single favorite character.

Post by earthyearth »

mage insectoid
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Re: Your single favorite character.

Post by Kurguz »

I go with my Minotaur Fighter, Kurguz, from my first playthrough. Skilled through armor (to get Heavy Armor) and swords, even without the Head Hunter trait he was beast through all the game, missing a bit on the first levels of the dungeon but smashing later on (flurry of slashes+dismantler are amazing).
He was one of my front line guys, taking hits, and dealing tons of damage.
I'm sure I will bring him again on another playthrough to test the Head Hunter trait out, that extra damage sounds fantastic! ehehe
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