I doubt it would be too playable on an iphone. I have one, and I've tried various kinds of games on it.. far too many games have been ported on it that simply don't work due to the small screen size.
Reminder: moderators (green names) don't work for almost human. | http://iki.fi/sol/ - My schtuphh..
Sol_HSA wrote:I doubt it would be too playable on an iphone. I have one, and I've tried various kinds of games on it.. far too many games have been ported on it that simply don't work due to the small screen size.
Agreed... last one I tried was gta3 ... it's just all to small.. it's fine for casual games like cut the rope or where's my water but for any serious gaming it's way not up to par...
Well, at least Undercroft (it's free and pretty good too!) was playable on iPhone so I wouldn't say it's impossible to make Grimrock work on the phone too. Obviously the UI would need to be customized as well as some of the things you do in the viewport (pushing buttons and picking up items etc.) would be pretty finicky if they were just directly ported from PC as is but I think it's possible. We'll just have to wait and see how it works out in practice.
Perhaps you can put a look around button in the top left corner that zooms in a bit and allows you to pan around the screen (using your finger to slide the view). That way you are allowed more detail in the walls for hidden switches and whatnot and you aren't obstructing the screen with your fingers trying to find the important details.
Christian020 wrote:...this game need to be played on a iPad....
Lol. It`s a PC game. For once. Deal with it :)
(I`m sure it`s possible - Orcs & Elves from id worked on mobiles. But it just got released few hours ago - give the devs some breathing space to open that champagne. I`m sure eventually there will be a version for those who like to torment themselves with touchscreen controls :P)