LOVE the game, but I need a new dungeon.

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LOVE the game, but I need a new dungeon.

Post by Anton »

I beat the game twice. I've tried every conceivable character type. But, once you know all the tricks, there is no point. I need a new dungeon. I would love a new area to explore. So, my question; can we expect something new soon?
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Re: LOVE the game, but I need a new dungeon.

Post by Torst »

You read the blog allready ?
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Re: LOVE the game, but I need a new dungeon.

Post by Anton »

Torst wrote:You read the blog allready ?
I had not. Though not directly related, I can infer from it that they might soon be working on something new.
I'm also curious if anyone in the modding community has anything in the works. I know there must be a ton of ideas out there for future dungeons. Godspeed, dungeon makers!
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Re: LOVE the game, but I need a new dungeon.

Post by Jack Dandy »

They'll most probably release extra dungeons in the future, and we're getting a dungeon editor to boot.
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Re: LOVE the game, but I need a new dungeon.

Post by Hotcakes »

Yeah they seem dedicated to bringing us the level editor before anything else, which probably means we'll have to wait awhile, but once it's out there'll be a flood of stuff to do. It's better than waiting for the developers only. Once the level editor is out I guess they can start thinking about new scenarios/extra features etc.
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Re: LOVE the game, but I need a new dungeon.

Post by Disasterrific »

Well factoring in the time between completion of the final release candidate and now they've probably had just over a month, plus the guys who don't do much of the coding have more free time on their hands to add a few more creatures. Again look at the latest blog, plus the forum post. Juho emphasized "creatures" which suggests maybe 2-4 new types maybe...

I would say a second dungeon is almost certainly in the making...
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