Save editor
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:35 pm
Current version: Version 0.5.0
For those who're having difficulty running the editor: Editor runtime files
Custom saves:
Bug list (3 known bugs):
Original post:
For those who're having difficulty running the editor: Editor runtime files
Custom saves:
- Currently the editor does not take into consideration the items in containers when saving as this appears to be determined by the ITEM header length variable (and the respective item location references).
Work arounds:
-> Either don't edit saves with one or more players holding one or more items in sacks or chests (or be prepared to lose those items unless you modify the appropriate variables for each item). Remember however that you can place the containers on the floor before making modifications and place them back into your inventory later. Or...
-> Set DebugShowDump=True in the LOGSavED.cfg file. Make changes to the data in the editor and then instead of saving, dump the data. Open the .dat file with a hex editor and find the container(s) ITEM header(s) and modify the length (4 byte long) variable following this tag to account for all the items in the container, not just the number of bytes for the sack/chest itself. Finally, load the editor back up, load the save and instead of editing using the text editor simply load the .dat file with 'Load Data'. Save the file and you're done. (Remember however, if you do this you'll also need to adjust the CHAR and CHAM length variables accordingly.)
- The 'carriage return' character for strings doesn't appear in the text editor, but it is still there.
Work around:
-> Since the character is still there (albeit invisible), you can copy and paste it or delete it. To do so, highlight the surrounding characters of which it's in-between. This is useful for making your own scrolls.
- Some reports have shown that saves with custom portraits may produce files with an unusual structure, causing the editor to fail to read the data correctly.
Work around:
-> Either attempt to update the portrait reference with the editor (play without a custom portrait until you've prepared your save game), or avoid using this feature. Remember however that you could always use a hex editor to repair the file or work around the problem.
Work arounds:
-> Either don't edit saves with one or more players holding one or more items in sacks or chests (or be prepared to lose those items unless you modify the appropriate variables for each item). Remember however that you can place the containers on the floor before making modifications and place them back into your inventory later. Or...
-> Set DebugShowDump=True in the LOGSavED.cfg file. Make changes to the data in the editor and then instead of saving, dump the data. Open the .dat file with a hex editor and find the container(s) ITEM header(s) and modify the length (4 byte long) variable following this tag to account for all the items in the container, not just the number of bytes for the sack/chest itself. Finally, load the editor back up, load the save and instead of editing using the text editor simply load the .dat file with 'Load Data'. Save the file and you're done. (Remember however, if you do this you'll also need to adjust the CHAR and CHAM length variables accordingly.)
- The 'carriage return' character for strings doesn't appear in the text editor, but it is still there.
Work around:
-> Since the character is still there (albeit invisible), you can copy and paste it or delete it. To do so, highlight the surrounding characters of which it's in-between. This is useful for making your own scrolls.
- Some reports have shown that saves with custom portraits may produce files with an unusual structure, causing the editor to fail to read the data correctly.
Work around:
-> Either attempt to update the portrait reference with the editor (play without a custom portrait until you've prepared your save game), or avoid using this feature. Remember however that you could always use a hex editor to repair the file or work around the problem.
Since a level editor is being taken care of by the team, I'm thinking of a save editor (providing that's alright with the developers).
(I've got every Steam achievement now, and completed a run through with Toorum, so I'm ready to start messing around.
Problem is, I'm not sure what method of encryption is used in the save files. Can anyone shed any light on it?
Since a level editor is being taken care of by the team, I'm thinking of a save editor (providing that's alright with the developers).
(I've got every Steam achievement now, and completed a run through with Toorum, so I'm ready to start messing around.

Problem is, I'm not sure what method of encryption is used in the save files. Can anyone shed any light on it?