Just to clarify, this pack has the re-drawn portraits that have been seen on the forums (from angry meteor) packaged with the original portraits from Dungeon Master 1 and 2 with the Grimrock background.
The classic sprites have been smoothed out a bit instead of being the original blocky style.
Personally I don't think the old style graphics work in LoG: They are just too low-res and too high contrast. I guess some of the hardcore retro-old-schoolers will love them though
gambit37 wrote:I already posted the angry meteor champions here, in better quality (sharpened and boosted):
Actually, the pack you've linked to doesn't use the official LoG background, and the portraits are (over)saturated. The pack that the OP put together uses the official background and blends in well with the vanilla ports (at least the angrymeteor ones, I didn't bother with the pixelated stuff).
The background wasn't available when I made them. But it's close, and as the portraits are expected to be used together, it's not really a problem. But I'll update it. As for the slight colour boosting, that's a personal preference. The problem with the ones posted by the OP is that they lost definition in the downsizing.