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suggestion for the charcter avatars...
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 7:43 pm
by theIMP
i understand there are more important things to deal with during development, but i wonder why this hasn't happned since release...
why aren't there different pictures for each character when you reach 75%, 50% and 25% hp, kind of like the original doom.
this might not be the biggest pressing issue with the game atm, but i can't help but think because you can import your own avatars, this could be so so much fun

and really personalise the game with minimal amount of programming.
appreciate everyones thoughts.
Re: suggestion for the charcter avatars...
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 7:55 pm
by Encephalon
theIMP wrote:i understand there are more important things to deal with during development, but i wonder why this hasn't happned since release...
why aren't there different pictures for each character when you reach 75%, 50% and 25% hp, kind of like the original doom.
this might not be the biggest pressing issue with the game atm, but i can't help but think because you can import your own avatars, this could be so so much fun

and really personalise the game with minimal amount of programming.
appreciate everyones thoughts.
Now that's something I haven't seen since...well, Doom. And perhaps Quake. It could been an optional choice, as I don't think I would have used it myself. But could have been a nice thouch for those who wanted it.
And speaking of DOOM...
...also added /iddqd, /idkfa and /idspispopd?
No, just joking! Sereously.
Re: suggestion for the charcter avatars...
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:00 pm
by theIMP
haha, ofc it would be optional...
i just really want to make stick figure avatars and have them getting angrier the more damaged they are and have them breaking plant pots or even planning ahead and making sure they look like they're annoyed with eachother's squares
as with recycling... the possibilities are endless
p.s... it would definately help with that nostalgic feel of grimrock

Re: suggestion for the charcter avatars...
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:28 pm
by Flashheart
It's always been my belief/opinion that Hit Points don't refer to your characters current health condition. Rather that Hit Points are more of a 'combat immunity' or 'combat luck'.
For instance when a monster deals you 30 points of damage, it didn't actually harm your character, your character instead made a spectacular roll or dodge, or your armor took a serious dent (but that action reduced your combat immunity by 30 points). Otherwise our heroes would be crawling around dungeons on their hands and knees.
Once your HP is too low and a monster deals a death blow then all your combat immunity is gone and your character suffers a fatal injury (in the case of Grimrock the character suffers from morale failure until 'combat immunity' can be restored at some Crystals).
So to tie that up with this thread, I like that the portraits remain 'undamaged'.

Re: suggestion for the charcter avatars...
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:39 pm
by theIMP
i'm not trying to descredit your post but i don't fully understand it, are you saying characters are either dead or alive and unharmed...
i think of hit points as; 80/100, then you've been damaged, a deep cut etc...
but honestly i don't think it would matter how you look at it, it would be optional, i can understand why people wouldn't want it but i don't think just because you view hit points that way everyone else should, as you said, that's how YOU understand it...
and i think you understand my point of view as you specified YOUR opinion and not 'this is what hitpoints are'
Re: suggestion for the charcter avatars...
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:56 pm
by Flashheart
Yeah, just my opinion really (I'm always keen to stress that) as people can of course have different opinions.
Nevertheless Gary Gygax had similar opinions to my own on this's a little snippet:
Hit points originated as an abstract representation of the ability to absorb attacks by a military unit of organization. When pulled from the wargame world to Dave Arneson's Blackmoore campaign (the origin of Dungeons & Dragons), this arbitrary measure was retained. The value made little sense - while a certain number of damage points might work to measure a ship's seaworthiness or a platoon's ability to take casualties and continue fighting, it was a poor measurement of an individual's health. After all, people don't just keep functioning unhindered while absorbing loads of damage, and then suddenly conk out once an empirical threshold is reached.
In Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, co-creator Gary Gygax tried to explain that hit points were only an abstraction. While an eight-point blow from a sword might be a lethal blow to a normal villager, for a skilled fighter (with dozens of hitpoints) this might only be a scratch - or even a lack of contact altogether, but more a representation of his stamina being "worn down" as he dodges what would have been a lethal blow. In other words, the abstraction of hit points included all kinds of other factors that would have been too tedious to model in the game.
EDIT: I guess the crux of the point I'm trying to make is that a 'badly affected' character with just 1HP can function just as well as a character with a full 100HP. We must therefore assume that the character with 1HP is just as physically capable (no missing limbs, no bashed fingers, etc) as the 100 HP character. The only difference being that the next monster is more likely to 'defeat' them. Hence I was trying to illustrate that the portraits of these two 'physically able' characters might not look any different.
I don't mind it they do of course (personal preference is a wonderful thing).

Re: suggestion for the charcter avatars...
Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 9:25 pm
by theIMP
ohhh ok, i get u now...
so this comes down to a different level of roleplay or immersion i guess
i just think at the end of the day it would be a nice
optional quirk

Re: suggestion for the charcter avatars...
Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 1:59 am
by Darklord
I think this would be funky.
Re: suggestion for the charcter avatars...
Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 12:20 pm
by Thels
It would be nice to have the avatars displaying injuries a la Doom, but it would be somewhat tedious with custom portraits.
Perhaps giving them an orange or red glow, like poison and disease make a green and yellow glow, to state their level of injury instead?
Re: suggestion for the charcter avatars...
Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 2:44 pm
by Curunir
Maan, id smashing pumpkins into small pieces of putrid debris!!!
Now we can all see what's hidden behind those cave-ins!