Shining The Holy Ark Portraits! - Full Set + Soundtracks!

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Shining The Holy Ark Portraits! - Full Set + Soundtracks!

Post by BobT36 »

Hi guys, I was thinking that the Shining Holy Ark characters would look awesome for this game as Grimrock gives me such fond memories of it, (especially the "Whump!" when running into a wall, and searching every damn surface possible heh).

Anyway, I've finally got the full set, through playing the game from beginning to end.
Miles has kindly transposed them onto the Grimrock background for me as my Image editing skills weren't too great so even with the Magic Wand tool in Photoshop, I was having some trouble heh. :)

Pack Download Link: (These are in .tga format).

Characters included:
From Left to Right:
Arthur, Melody, Rodi, Forte.
Lisa, Doyle, Basso, Akane.
Galm, Rilix, Panzer, Elise.
Far East Chief Ninja, Sabato, Enrich King.

Going to use Arthur, Basso, Forte and Doyle in my Grimrock Squad. Wish I could get the awesome battle theme (included in the pack) playing everytime I got into combat though, would be perfect then hehe. <3

(If anyone wants pics from Shining Force 3 and other games, there's some listed in the scripts Here. Unsure how well they'll scale up to the correct size though, but I could easily load a new game for you and get some of the earlier ones if needed).

Seems the links are broken, PM me if you want them. :)

Shining The Holy Ark:
Shining Force 3:
Last edited by BobT36 on Mon Jul 09, 2012 3:07 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Shining The Holy Ark Character Portraits! - (Need Help)

Post by Miles-McStyles »

Wow I didn't know anyone else knew about this game.

Only other tile based first person RPG I've ever played. Great game. Great music.

I actually made a Melody portrait that I wanted to use until I realized I wanted to use NWN portraits:


As for the help you want: The Magic Wand tool in is a piece of crap sometimes. Well, I'm out of ideas. Anyone else wanna try this?

EDIT: Well I'll be, the magic wand tool actually worked this time:

Here's Melody(as a jpeg)

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Re: Shining The Holy Ark Character Portraits! - (Need Help)

Post by Thels »

Don't forget the slider in Paint.NET. It's set to 50% on default. If it doesn't select enough, slide it up. If it selects too much, slide it down.
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Re: Shining The Holy Ark Portraits! - Full Set + Soundtracks

Post by BobT36 »

Hehe yeah I was having trouble with the Magic wand, and that was in Photoshop!

I think its because of the colour shades of the pixels around the characters (it was an old game so they're pixellated enough anyways) that gives the outline, quite hard to remove.

Anyways I've finally finished the game once again (took me 40 hours) and now completed the entire cast, which Miles has kindly transposed onto the Grimrock background for me.

I've updated the first post with the Full pack download link for if anyone wants to use them. I've also added links for the Shining the Holy Ark and Shining Force 3 FULL Soundtracks at the bottom of the page. :)

Grimrock reminds me so much of this game. <3
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