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Some "regressions" from original Dungeon Master
Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 10:53 pm
by fritzek
Hi, This is my first post and I'm sorry If this was discussed before(it was not on the first page). Here are the things, which were in the original Dungeon Master(my most favorite game of all time and I think Grimrock is mostly inspired by DM) and I'm missing them in Grimrock.
1) Can't attack with the guys from second row
I know it's impossible when facing enemy, but when the enemy is to your left or right, it was possible in DM to attack with one of the guys from the back. And(of course) when the enemy is behind you, your back row should be able to fight with swords or hands. I think it was a neat feature and that it should also be in Grimrock. Is it possible to do that somehow? I think it's quite sad, that those guys can take damage from behind, but can't fight back
2) No interruptions in sleep
Maybe I was just lucky, but I was never interrupted by enemy when sleeping. Is it even possible?
But anyway... best game since 1987

Re: Some "regressions" from original Dungeon Master
Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 10:58 pm
by Bees
fritzek wrote:2) No interruptions in sleep
Maybe I was just lucky, but I was never interrupted by enemy when sleeping. Is it even possible?
Obviously you've never taken a nap near restless Uggardians... yes, time is sped up while resting, and enemies do wander around and hunt during that time.
Re: Some "regressions" from original Dungeon Master
Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 11:10 pm
by Zero
Oh yes, you were most certainly woken up by wandering creatures. I'll never forget all the times everyone is snoozing away and all of a sudden a mummy thump-thumps over and...
Re: Some "regressions" from original Dungeon Master
Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 11:20 pm
by fritzek
Zero wrote:Oh yes, you were most certainly woken up by wandering creatures. I'll never forget all the times everyone is snoozing away and all of a sudden a mummy thump-thumps over and...
Yes. I mean that in Dungeon Master it happened all the time. I was hypnotizing the health bars and every second of a sleep was a bliss. Not so in Grimrock. But apparently I was just lucky. I realized that when
sleeping on level six near the Vex sword puzzle and those firey guys were just behind the corner and nothing happened
Re: Some "regressions" from original Dungeon Master
Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 11:28 pm
by Thels
It could be that LoG has practically no respawning mobs. If you already killed the mobs at your location, then there are no mobs to stumble into you and wake you up.
I wouldn't honestly know, though. The game's perfectly playable without resting at all.
Re: Some "regressions" from original Dungeon Master
Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 11:45 pm
by billy777
That feature is definetly in LOG and is cool... everytime I rest I would always wonder if I was going to be suddenly startled by a monster.
Re: Some "regressions" from original Dungeon Master
Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 2:48 am
by Brodie301
There are
Dream sequences when you rest as well so try it more often at least once per level
Re: Some "regressions" from original Dungeon Master
Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 4:57 am
by Bees
The only "interrupted while sleeping" system that I enjoyed in a game was from Morrowind, in which you would get woken up, but not necessarily noticed or attacked by the monster that interrupted your sleep.
Re: Some "regressions" from original Dungeon Master
Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 11:19 am
by Darklord
One thing DM had which I would like to see return is enemies getting scared! In DM if you defeated many of the enemies some of the remaining would run away! This was really flavourful.

There were also Gigglers who stole stuff and ran off with it! These were very annoying but a fun part of the experience.
So yeah I'd like to see enemy cowardice returned!
I also miss multiclassing, something both DM and EoB had in different ways.
Re: Some "regressions" from original Dungeon Master
Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 8:57 pm
by gambit37
Darklord wrote:I also miss multiclassing, something both DM and EoB had in different ways.
Yes, I agree. I loved LoG, but I must admit I was pretty disappointed that it went with a prescribed, inflexible class/experience system. DM's genius was that you could play it how you wanted and train your champions exactly how you liked. LoG takes a lot of that choice away from you and this makes it more like a traditional RPG, which DM was actually trying to move away from...