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[VIDEO] My first impressions (first 28 minutes)

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:11 pm
by PrisonMax

I'm no TotalBiscuit, but I do hope you guys enjoy my first impressions of the game. No major spoilers in it, just the first 28 minutes (easy puzzles)

Re: [VIDEO] My first impressions (first 28 minutes)

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:19 pm
by Darklord
What/where/when, more awesome videos! You guys spoil us. :D


Re: [VIDEO] My first impressions (first 28 minutes)

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:46 pm
by Crashbanito
Not gonna lie, you have one of the more interesting videos up at the moment simply for the way you approach obstacles. It's neat watching people sort of learn as they go.

Re: [VIDEO] My first impressions (first 28 minutes)

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 6:16 pm
by Filipsan
As for the music:

And if you preorder, you can download main theme (at least i could on GoG).

Re: [VIDEO] My first impressions (first 28 minutes)

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:51 pm
by PrisonMax
Filipsan wrote:As for the music:

And if you preorder, you can download main theme (at least i could on GoG).
Yeah I found the soundtrack exactly after I did the video :P
Crashbanito wrote:Not gonna lie, you have one of the more interesting videos up at the moment simply for the way you approach obstacles. It's neat watching people sort of learn as they go.
Thank you for watching!

Re: [VIDEO] My first impressions (first 28 minutes)

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:07 pm
by juho
Hey Max! Great video! Hope you enjoy the rest of the game.

Re: [VIDEO] My first impressions (first 28 minutes)

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:43 pm
by nianu
hey great video! i can't wait to play it myself :D good luck with your play through :)

Re: [VIDEO] My first impressions (first 28 minutes)

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:54 pm
by silverhand
Thanks for posting your video Max, definitely worth watching!

Re: [VIDEO] My first impressions (first 28 minutes)

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:58 am
by Hissssa
My only thought was... NOOB when he didn't instantly see the loose rock.

If you're a min maxer you can skip to 10:30 and peek into what the skills do. I really like that they tell you up front what the skill will do at its peak.

I basically refuse to pick a skill in a game unless I know exactly what it does.

Wow the athletics skill looks reduction needs by 25% and carrying capacity improved by 15 kg (levels 10 and 20 respectively)

That being said looks like it will be extremely wasteful to pick multiple weapon skills as you can only attack with one weapon at a time and you only get the bonuses from the skill when you are using that weapon. Unless of course you get the bonus for just having it in the offhand?

At 10:32 you can see the axes skill and holding an axe at level 50 gives you +4 strength +25 health and +20 attack power. I'm not sure what all those bonuses mean in the scale of things... but one option would be to "dual wield" for the bonuses.

So if I go axes and unarmed combat, if I get both to level 50 would I get the axe bonus and the unarmed combat bonus (+10 dex +7 strength +40 health +20 evasion)?

Hmm I think I need to make a new thread.

Re: [VIDEO] My first impressions (first 28 minutes)

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:20 am
by nianu
i'm sorry but i don't think he was a noob for missing the loose rock. i think he was just really excited about making a review about the game. his voice sounded a bit jittery as if he was a little nervous so i'm sure if he wasn't focused on speaking, he would have found it. possibly. and this isn't really a competition. everyone can learn to play at their own pace. games like this are trial and error sometimes. this will be my first dungeon crawler and i'm sure to make many mistakes :P