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When will the Map Editor come out?
Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:50 pm
by Sheep
When will the map editor come out?
Is it going to be released this summer?
Will there be beta testers?
And must important Will you guys be using it to countinue the main story?

Re: When will the Map Editor come out?
Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:16 pm
by Brewitz
Take a deep breath and relax and I will answer aaaaaaall of your questions.
1) When it´s done.
2) Yes. Or in autumn. Or in winter or maybe next year but probably sometime.
3) Yes. The Almost Human gang will probably beta test the shit out of it before release.
4) There will be lots of home made dungeons to crawl through and it will be great until a sequel is released.
Yes I am as exited as you are... can´t wait.
Re: When will the Map Editor come out?
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:30 am
by Lyverbe
Yep, "when it's done" is the best answer any company can give. If it takes another year, it'll take another year. I rather wait than have something that crashes.
As for #4, most people will redo the original "Dungeon Master" maps giving about 38 versions of it
Ps. Good idea to start a new thread. The "Dungeon Editor Progress" one is so pointless now with all these useless posts. AH should've locked it a long time ago.
Re: When will the Map Editor come out?
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:36 am
by Brewitz
Well the thing is kinda sad if people ONLY remake all old game maps again, not that I remember any of them but you hope for something a bit more creative I guess.
Kinda the same thing with all those creative people in MMORPGs that name their characters things like "DragonHaxxor" or "LikeSkulkwalker"... what kind of "MMO-mother" name their MMO-child "KillDaGnome" anyway.

Re: When will the Map Editor come out?
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:00 pm
by LiamKerrington
Actually I don't care so much about when. I am just happy that there will be an editor - and I like the information on your blog about the editor so far. But when I purchased the game, I did not care about editors at all.
As for re-doing old maps: Yeah, I agree with you. When the idea of the editor hit "my" desk the first time, the first idea that struck me was: "Hell, Yeah! Finally I can make use of the AD&D 2nd Edition - Forgotten Realms (tm) Undermountain maps ...!" And then I realized: "Darn, I sold them years ago ... *sigh*"
Anyway: I will look forward to it a lot ... And I am sure there will be plenty of new maps or great opportunities to do your own, individual and creative dungeons. I luv that idea!
Best wishes!
Re: When will the Map Editor come out?
Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:03 pm
by waylander
forgot all about this forum since diablo 3,came in today to look for any good maps and realise the editor promised end of april was it?,still not even out.
i figured it was all urine in the wind,why would a team develop something for free these days?
Re: When will the Map Editor come out?
Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:15 pm
by Ixnatifual
They can use the very same editor to make the next Grimrock adventure.
Re: When will the Map Editor come out?
Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:05 pm
by leewroy
waylander wrote:forgot all about this forum since diablo 3,came in today to look for any good maps and realise the editor promised end of april was it?,still not even out.
i figured it was all urine in the wind,why would a team develop something for free these days?
I´m sure you're wrong. The developers (most of them) are regulars to these forums, and the guys are always giving attention to our questions. If they are not in the mood to publish the editor,they would never talked about it. You just sit and wait. Wait the wind stops to blow and the urine to drop.

Re: When will the Map Editor come out?
Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:09 pm
by Thels
waylander wrote:forgot all about this forum since diablo 3,came in today to look for any good maps and realise the editor promised end of april was it?,still not even out.
i figured it was all urine in the wind,why would a team develop something for free these days?
Your memory fails you.
The game came out halfway april. Then they started on the editor after a week or two, which is indeed near the end of april.
All things considering (there was nothing like an editor at all), the editor is progressing quite quickly, for something that's quite advanced on features, and don't forget that the Dev team had taken some well earned holiday after working on LoG for the entire last year.